


  1. Great non-post DeKn, maybe a little bit minimalist but i non-love it! lol.

    Non-keep it up.

  2. You should clear your mind, Komar.

  3. Visit my blog, Solid Snake and you will understand what i'm talking about.

  4. Thank you, Komar I got the inspiration after reading your post so I should thank you.


    P.S. Solid Snake you should check out Komar's non-post. It is very good reading, for something that doesn't exist at all.

  5. Still having nothing to say but for some odd reason having nothing at all to say, I sure have a lot to type about on the blog.

    ~ ~

  6. White noise cascading across the skies
    Bleeding out when the last transistor dies
    The final release of natures encumberance
    The subtle joys of new paths abundance
    City streets and humble passing sounds
    The hooves of horses chart new ground
    The rusting hulks of a past distained
    Simplicity, joy, and intelect remain.

  7. Surreal and reality, all of the same.
    Light and darkness, shining all throughout.
    Evil and good all of one.
    Sight and sound composes the lyrics of reality.
    Touch and taste, matter filled spaces.
    Look beyond; pass into the future events
    Leave this reality for those who loves matter.
    Show your thoughts through reality and time.
    Think it through the path of choices.
    Chose the path of progress and growth.
    Leave those other less valuable units behind.
    Move forward toward your ends of your means.


  8. Why not like the post? It's better than...WTF...oh I get it.

    ... (3 dots representing nothing for your post, now that's something)

    Trinity vs Duality! Trinity (3 sides - the triangle of deceit, seeing eye) and Duality (2 sides - of all things) is what you just ranted on about in your last poetic comment, DeKn. Does that null-and-void the post? lol

    Yes...I'll go to Komar's post too. :)

    -DarkStar888...up to no good tonight.

    P.S. Now that I have posted to a NOTHING POST that doesn't exist, I need to get a life.

  9. Thank you for your comment Bro~DarkStar888. You see things very interesting. My post was intended as a reply to Komar's blog article about "nothing".

    This post was... My reply to his post(Komar) was "nothing" at the start my intention was like a mind~smirk aimed toward Bro~Komar, then later on into my life's development I've noticed myself changing into something different...,
    My once unchangeable mind set, now able to view things in a different light. How this post related to me now is: "I see this post as an expression of my past and coming future self changing into something anew. A sub~communication within the message speaking to one another's mind directly."

    The blank page of this blog was:
    - first it was created to do a shock test for the readers of this blog.
    - Then the second step is to see if anyone that is reading this blog post, going to get some sort of reaction(could be emotional) after seeing this post, will comment about it.
    - The Third is to let everyone see what they want to see in their own world. And to talk about it in a public gathering place of the 21st century openly. (blog world)

    That is the output I was trying to see if I AM able to get from my fellow blog readers. Thank you for your help I could not have done it without your help. To most of my readers if you're not seeing things in the same wave length as the rest of us, but don't fear; You just haven't reach the step we're at, allowing you to be able to tune into the wave frequency we are communicating in. The others are able to see; You're not far from it. You're very close indeed.. Keep on heading forward and you'll find what you are looking for.

    ~D K ~DT~
