Anyone awake, inside?
Hear me speak;
Listen closely, listen up.
Hear me speak;
Now.... Are we awake yet?
Listen..., listen to the sounds
We've always place too much importance over the ideas about our eyes(sight). We are very visual animals that is a fact!, we recall our pass events as images(moving images sometime). How did it become like this? how did we place so much importance on our eyes?
We've forgotten yet another very strong sense, we had; It's our sounds of sight, our hears. We've been using our eyes too much and forgotten about our hears. Have anyone ever just sat and listen to our own environment? Ever notice that it is very busy, with lots of different types of sounds everywhere mixed into one source, one wave source of sound.
Listen will you, try this out; Take that ear bud off your ears and LISTEN. Listen to the sounds around you; The lows and the highs, the sounds that form the waves all around us. We cannot hear it, but fear not our soul, our heart CAN. The unconscious was always aware, it has been in constant listening mode to all that was around us. Yourself had shut off that sound around you and forgotten how to listen.
Have you ever wonder why both our hearing and seeing cannot be used at the same time with full strength for both senses? Ever thought that when you hear you don't really pay too much attention with your eyes. And when you use your eyes a lot, ever notice that you don't really hear everything around you. Try this out and try to listen first and then look with the full view of your vision. It is hard at first you tend to lose focus on either the hearing or the sight. The brain is stress much more when you do this. But this is a great way to learn to use both sense at once in full strength instead of half strength on one and half on the other. Keep trying, try to pick out detail in your sight while also trying to pick out the many different sounds around you at the same time.
Are you listening now?
Listen like it was sight, Follow the wave of sounds. Adapt to the wave and you will become the wave. Feel it in your heart, your soul, your spirit.
Can you feel the mind and soul is at peace now?
Another step closer to your true reality.... Stay focus
Listen with the heart and see with the mind. Together as one ..., we will win.
Interesting post. It is true that we tend to underrate our hearing sense. As a musician and music-lover i hear some of the sounds in my environment as if it was music, for example i remember working in a factory when i was younger and i used to take the repetitive sounds of the machines for steady drum beats even singing along with them, i'm still doing it to this day, sounds and noises are no longer disturbing when you take them as musical (except for such noises as, let's say your neighbour beating his wife!).
ReplyDeleteAnother interesting thing about the separation of senses is a blind man has a overdeveloped hearing compared to us, as if the brain enhances one sense to make up for the deficiency of the other, a blind person can hear things we simply cannot hear, he almost sees with his ears so to speak.
yes for sure.. we do underrate our sense of hearing. But there must be a way to train your mind to make that sense stronger just like if you lose your eye sight like you said above they tend to overdevelop the hearing part because they lost their sight. But no one ever tried to develop it without the lost of one thing. Trying to work as one with everything I have mind and soul as one. The journey has begun.
I forgot to mention that it's an excellent exercise which strenghtens the mind and develop our concentration ability, they call it the gift of ubiquity, being everywhere at once, it's interesting to work on that and we can do it with anything.
ReplyDeleteYour suggestion of focusing on a detail in our sight while trying to pick out external sounds is pretty good, we can also try to work in the dark or blindfolded, why not?!
Yes why not, for sure. I think anything you do that is new to yourself will strenghten your mind. That is why those people that never do anything new with there mind they get rusty. Trying to enchance ones ability to become better then what you use to be. Nothing is impossible when it comes to trainning yourself. The only limitation is yourself. I've trained myself to move both my eye brows left and right so anything is possible.
I enhance my senses by thinking like the machine. The machine has no bias, no distraction because the camera sees everything at once. It picks up sounds all at once.
ReplyDeleteTherefore, when i want to use all my senses, I begin by changing my sight from focused to peripheral sight.
say i was looking at an apple on a table in the dining room. This is focused sight because i am focusing on the juicy red apple. Now if i wanted to switch to peripheral sight, i would focus on the wall to the right of the dining room putting the apple in peripheral sight. I tell my mind to focus on the red apple in my peripheral vision but not to focus on it physically. This tricks the brain into TOTAL SIGHT. Because the brain wants to focus on the wall, but you are telling it to focus on the apple within peripheral sight. This causes the brain to focus on many things at once and thus the whole image of the dining room.
My first post in my blog related to this. I call the senses the GATES OF KNOWLEDGE.
Great Dante, you show a great way to teach yourself how to see in a wider angle. I just figure that out not too long ago. But didn't know how to tell someone how to do it. Cool.
at one point i could have multiple (7+) overlapping dialogues running through my head simultaneously. I've lost this ability however. how? i dont know.
ReplyDeleteOh cool.. 7 overlapping dialogues at the same time that sounds crazy but if for me not able to know what I know now I would say you where lying but knowing what I know how I am sure anyone with a little train can do it. Have you ever tried to do that again? multiple overlapping dialogues. You can't really lose anything once you know how to do it. Just like riding a bike once you know you just don't forget maybe be a bit rusty but that is about it.
that's what bothers me DeKn. I could be saying 7 different sentences in my head at the same time. This was when i was younger though, I believe up until age 15. I never thhought much about it back then, but two years later at age 17 i remembered about this "useless" skill and tried it again but failed to my dismay. How I lost this strange ability, I still do not know till this day. Its a shame because this post reminded me of it yet again, and now im really motivated to try to regain this abiity.
ReplyDeleteYou're right. nothing just disappears. I'll see what i can do...
That is cool Dante nothing can disappear if you already know how to use it. Unless you got some brain damage that is the only thing that would make you forget. Tell me how it goes I would want to also learn that one day. If I figure it out before you do I will tell you what I did.
perhaps i should apply my total sight technique to my mind. maybe that's what i did. Also, i cant think of 7 different statements to say off the top of my head right now. perhaps i should start with pre-meditated statements written down on paper.
ReplyDeleteyes, sure try to figure out what happen do it slowly again you might figure out what happen why you forgot. Interesting way to apply the total sight technique to your mind. Tell me how everything is going for you.