Control is everywhere all around us all over the place; We smell, taste, feel, hear, see, and think is all forms of different type of controls all around us all over the place. But still no where to be found or seen by the un(anti)-awaken souls.
By reading this page; This post I've written tonight(morning for some) you're already programming yourselves with another new control-code to be added to your current programming(brain). Just by reading this you are now ready for uploading of new info by this post, on this page. I've noticed lately everything around us affects us everyday even without you knowing. Let me help you see what I see right now;
In my previous post:
Interesting Reply...... from ZEROMESSIAH
I've noticed that many different events that happen during your waking reality is meaningless if you looked at each events separately. Mind you there is a lot and many distractions out in reality there... This post, on this page, right now you are reading can just be another distraction?
I've noticed that; If you link the events up in the right way it forms a different picture all together, like seeing this reality as something new something different. (talk about hiding things in plane sight) I've been thinking each night about those events lately that has happen to me in my real reality life. What I've concluded is: The many different events that happens to me in my own life has made me the person I am today.
What if:
By just changing just one thing in my pass life-events will I turn out to be the same person I am now? HELL; NO I won't because whatever I've encounter during my pass life has changed me to the person I am today. If just one event is missing or changed, I won't be the same person that you know me by, right now. But I will be someone else talking (Typing) to you guys/gals This post will for sure be different in many ways, if just one of any of those events are missing I will not be the person you know me as, right now.
The many different people that I've met so far in the blog world reality has inputed their very own control-code into my own life, making me who I am right now.
Just a little side note:
Speaking about control, if you talk about control you automatically think it is "bad" word to say. But control in my world has no good or bad meaning. It is just a word that we were taught to understand as bad in the term that is related to us in our own reality.
Everyone that had a hand in affecting my social construct programming in the blog world. help me become the person I am now. But tomorrow is another day and another control-code will also be added to my programming.
I can recall back to how all this has started for me. I call it, "the control mechanism" that I acquirer awhile ago: To not judge everything before I've given it a chance first. Without that first control that was place into my programing(brain) I wouldn't have found the Nemesis video let alone watching them; From there found DJHives like what I've said in my last post. Hopefully you see what I'm seeing right now; Look into your own life to find those control mechanism what have brought you to where you are in life right now. Learn how to control those control-code.
I think my goals in life have changed many time druing my whole learning phase that I am still also learning from. Now the fun part starts, abling to see into the future of upcoming events that will happen, have the ability to either change what I want or the outcome to favor me. That will take your-self to the next level of evolution.
How to see into the distance future; Look for control-code that is out in the real reality of yours guide your life the way you want because if you don't the control-code will do it for you. The end result might not be what you wanted if the control-code do the walking for you. See the true control-code for what they are and absorb the ones you need to further your own goals in life. That is the key to seeing your future right now. Time and space does not exist? it only exist in your teaching, the teaching of the control-code to believe in time and space. We all were taught at a very young age and because of that we now see the time and space movement.
Edit your perception of the past and you will change your present self to affect your future outcome. Instead of being susceptable to mind control, control your mind. You will find that every thing you do changes your reality because time is only the measure of change along a predetermined mechanical event (clocks).
ReplyDeleteLet it happen DeKn, you are inserting code into the brain, but you control the assembly of the program. NLP, Mind Control, Brain Washing, Etc... it is only the weakness of the human mind. You are seeing the end result of your own desires.
You chose things seeking enlightenment and now you are enlightening others. Illumination from a seemingly chaotic environment is possible through a commitment to rigorous study and the willingness to postpone emotions. Seriously put off the emotion untill you have thought about how to appear to feel on the outside, and how you actually feel on the inside.
You will then see that you are programming others by projecting a hologram of your inner-self. Once you learn the secrets there is no going back, after that it is only discovery and the maintenance of what is.
Be above god on the inside and appear to fit into your environment. Camoflage the self within and you will reveal trust in others. They will let you see their inner-self and then you can edit their program as if they removed the fire-wall.
It sounds like simple manipulative shit but why do people still do it? Obviously it is effective. De-compile their code and then re-write it. Life is relative to those who live it.
EAT THEM as hives would put it. It works.
Very Well said indeed, very well said Zero.
ReplyDeleteI've noticed one thing finally after a while of searching; I've noticed that for a while now I was never really myself I was taking on many different personality I've met in the real reality "I call home". I've finally arrive at my center, I am able to put together what I've learn so far and make those knowledge as what I want for myself, not for who I am not. It was hard work and I would not trade anything I've done in the past for anything else, I am who I am now, because of what I've chose in the past. I see things clearly now, clearer then what I would of seen just a few months ago. Lots have change in so little time, haha time is meaningless when it comes to knowledge.
Omit "time" out-of the equation, because time is knowledge. Doing so, you'll keep the mass busy looking for free time even to a point of buying free time haha. Lets create a bank that deals in free time.