Reply From: Livign in Atliar: for teh cotnrol conoisuer / http://dantealtair.blogspot.com/2009/04/zero-paradigm-by-brother-zeromessiah.html
Thanks for the plug Dante, I pretty much summed up what I wanted to say in unified theory in that single post. I think we all need to realize that now is the time, we are all ready. We must hunt, there is no alternative when the knowledge presents itself. I'd like to thank everyone for their inspiration through all of this. You all made a difference.
Thank you; Zero, for this excellence post. It affected me in a bigger way then I thought, at first. I feel so positive lately. Haha You know what is funny zero? with our knowledge added to your own knowledge you were able to find a new unified theory for the meaning to existence.
Sweet, but the weird part about all this is if I didn't came across your blog. I would of not been able to read this mind changing post by you, but if I never found DJHives blog first; Through there, it lead me to your blog. And you know the only reason why I even came over to your blog is?
Because when DJHive's blog was hack, I was so addicted to the info, I was like a drug addict looking for more answers(as my fix) and that was how I came into finding your blog also I was so angry by the blog going down that night, I also started my own blog because I wanted to write, writing was always in my passion. The reason it ever stopped me from writing is because of having very bad grades in english when I was in school. That was the factor in my point of life that stopped me; I always wanted to write. I am really glad that the incidence that happen with DJHive's blog was a pushing point for me to get to the next level. It looks like there was many different schools of thoughts has sprung out of the DJHives chaos event...
Hey you know what? it sounded like "ORDO AB CHAO". When everything died at DJHive's old blog everyone ran around like chicken without their own head. From the chaos a lot of different schools of "how to think" came about. This is really interesting. The new world order happen in front of our very own eyes and most of the blogger didn't see it at all. It is funny thinking about it now.
We should share these findings with hives himself, it would allow him to know additional anomalies in his data along with giving credit where due.
ReplyDeleteI am currently of base right now. I am not at home. I am on vacation so until I have formulated the next post stay tuned intermittently. (remember a watched pot never boils...)
Precisely Brother DeKn. 99% of djhives's readers were addicted and heavily reliant on his information [I was too for sometime], and when his site went down, the desperate and helpless bacteria panicked. You can see how many of them "bowed down" to djhives and BEGGED to get more info. It was absolutely disgusting. I remember thinking to myself, "damn. that sux. oh well." and i moved on. I remember sending him a message when all this happened. While people were begging to get in, I told djhives, "I am not writing this message to say that i humbley bow down to you, nor is this message one that will beg to be memeber of your site. I write this message to say that i would like to work my way in, and earn membership through your governors."
ReplyDeleteI didnt get a response haha. but either way, i was like fuck it. time to make my own blog.
It is fortunate to have brothers like you and zero who are not dependent on djhives's knowledge.
As i said before, i feel more at home here at the blogspots than at djhives's site.
Brother zero,
ReplyDeleteHave fun on vacation! I could use one myself...
I was addicted to Hives blog for a while too i must admit but it was really Zero and you Dekn who made me wanna create my own blog and i want to thank both of you for that. "Be your own boss" starts with simple things such as having your own blog. Anyway, the lesson we should all learn is to never beg, bow nor kneel before anybody, ever, we must stand strong for our opinions even if we're wrong (what is "wrong" and is "right", i ask you, it's all a matter of perspective: what is right for my neighbour is not necessarily right for me), nobody knows us better than ourselves.
So true there is a lot of different info or way of thinking out there and limiting yourself to one way of thinking is just thinking inside the box really. Plus I had to start my blog because posting the wrong thing that doesn't agree with Hive will just get you flame. And I know if I started my own blog I would be my own boss or even GOD in a way I have the power and no one else does. But it is funny how the fact of one events bring together a few people together. I wouldn't have known Zero, Dante, or even Komar if it wasn't for that event. It is funny how those events happens though. Maybe that is how the real reality happens with all those mini event happening that no one can put two and two together until the grand plan has been put together and at that time it would be too late for most people.
We are putting the grand plan together... read the blue post and you'll see what I mean!
ReplyDeleteYes I've notice Zeromessiah it does seem like we are doing something, something that I am just not aware of right at this moment but something for sure.