
LifeKills --- Epidemics

Meningitis epidemics - Strikes again..., is this a natural lifekill or is it a man made lifekill agent?
it has a sign of man made only strikes and kill human the animals are left alone.

"N. meningitidis only infects humans; there is no animal reservoir"

First recorded 1805 when an outbreak swept through Geneva, Switzerland. But most of the outbreak happens mainly in:

"West Africa every year, affecting 25 000 to 200 000 people, particularly children"

"The highest burden of meningococcal disease occurs in sub-Saharan Africa, which is known as the “Meningitis Belt”, an area that stretches from Senegal in the west to Ethiopia in the east, with an estimated total population of 300 million people."

But don't worry if you feel lefted out, if you're not living in Africa, we do have strain for you at in local area:

"Serogroups B and C together account for a large majority of cases in Europe and the Americas. Several local outbreaks due to N. meningitidis serogroup C have been reported in Canada and USA (1992-93) and in Spain (1995-97). For 10 years, the meningococcal meningitis activity has particularly increased in New Zealand where an average of 500 cases occurs every year"

"There is increasing evidence of serogroup W135 being associated with outbreaks of considerable size. In 2000 and 2001 several hundred pilgrims attending the Hajj in Saudia Arabia were infected with N. meningitidis W135. Then in 2002, W135 emerged in Burkina Faso, striking 13,000 people and killing 1,500"

But don't worry we do have several vaccines to combat those different strain of bacteria. One thing will not kill you but another will...

" All these vaccines have been proven to be safe and effective with infrequent and mild side effects. The vaccines may not provide adequate protection for 10 to 14 days following injection."

"cannot be used in children under 2 years of age because they lack the ability to develop antibodies" [lifekill will work here kill off the young and there won't be any new growth, how sweet]

"Furthermore, even large scale coverage with current vaccines does not provide sufficient 'herd immunity'. " [Nice, W.H.O. even call people herds haha]

Now in recent news just 2 days ago they have reported that "the first time there have been so many cases in northern Nigeria, an area she describes as being outside the usual African 'meningitis belt.' " So it is spreading to parts that was never touch before now they are getting the epidemics. Read all about it on the bottom:

Meningitis death toll reaches 960 in Nigeria; 17,000 people infected
2 days ago
GENEVA — The death toll from a severe outbreak of meningitis in Nigeria has risen to 960.
The World Health Organization says some 17,000 people have been infected with the disease since Jan. 1.
WHO spokeswoman Fadela Chaib says it is the first time there have been so many cases in northern Nigeria, an area she describes as being outside the usual African "meningitis belt."
Chaib says a total of 17,462 cases of meningitis have been reported in the three-month outbreak in Africa's most populous country and that the WHO and other agencies are helping to vaccinate people against the disease.
She says there has also been a smaller outbreak to the north in Niger, which lies within the area more commonly affected by the disease, stretching from Senegal in the west to Ethiopia in the east.
Chaib said Niger has reported 4,513 people infected since the beginning of the year, with 169 deaths.
Nigeria has had meningitis epidemics during each of the last three years, but they were smaller than this year.
In the last week alone, Niger has registered 1,071 cases, including 30 deaths.
Meningitis is an inflammation of protective brain and spinal cord membranes and is caused by viral or bacterial infection.
"A meningitis epidemic is always serious," said Chaib. "It overwhelms the health facilities, disrupts routine activities, kills between five and 10 per cent of the patients and can cause brain damage in 10 to 20 per cent of those who survive."

The UNIVERSE ..., The Universal Conscious...,

** I speak in fiction **

Is our very own existent (our own consciousness) linked to the greater universal consciousness (of the Universe)? It is a great paradox, we give consciousness to the greater universal consciousness but also in turn without the GUC we also will not exist. Both have to work together hand in hand.

For the existent of both (we as conscious beings and also the GUC[the universe]) we both had to be conscious of one another at the same time, at the same moment when everything started. We had to be conscious of ourselves; Also the universe had to have consciousness of itself also.

A million, million souls are within this universe. Each and every thing within can in turn control/affect the universe, at the end of it all we're ONE of the same being. The universe also in turn have the same control/affect toward all of the millions, of millions of souls within itself. Have we ever wonder that the universe could be ONE big life form? roaming around in space; roaming in the darkness. Maybe we are like a body part on it, like the finger nail on your finger.

We are all just one being with one consciousness everything we do we affect ourselves at the end. we cannot be in conflict (war) with ourselves for that will just conclude the death of us all. Work as one and we all move forward. Work as none and none will move forward.

Everything we do, we affect the same consciousness.
Everything we do, we affect the consciousness.
Everything we do, we are the consciousness.
Everything is consciousness.

The Universe is the Mind


Dis-Connection Of the Soul(Emotions) From Our Mind

** I speak in fiction **

The dis-connection of our soul(emotions) from our mind, what has cause this to happen? At one point of our very own evolution somehow, somewhere we disconnected ourselves from our soul that was part of our mind. Working together as one helping each other to see the world that was in front of us. But now it has become two entity within our own body. Fighting each other for the rights to rule. Never again working as one.
Depending on your own dis-connection of reality one can be either light years apart from your own soul and mind, or you could just be a few steps away from each other; Even an arms length away. It varies from Person2Person. But how did that came about? how did our soul that was together at one point now distance from each other?
Was it the change that happened in our reality while growing up, that cause our soul to part from our mind? did we somehow learned to unlearned what was given to us in birth to be able to work as one with our soul and our mind. We were taught to not trust our soul and only reason with our mind early in our childhood development forever cutting off the link between the two from working together. We cannot place blame on our guardians for teaching us to unlearn what we were given at birth naturally. How do the teacher know, that he/she is teaching a student something that is wrong. If he/she doesn't even know that they are teaching the wrong idea to the student to start with. We know now, how we got taught to unlearn that was given to us at birth. Breaking the link of the soul(emotions) from our mind.
But now, how are we going to figure out a way to connect the two back together. Making the two pieces becoming one. Working together hand in hand again. This road isn't an easy journey learning to work together again. The longer you've been dis-connected from your soul the harder the journey ahead will become but the reward at the end of the road is worth more then a mountain of gold. Once you've connect the two pieces together again. Trust the soul(emotions) as a guide to your inner thoughts. Use it to guide you in your path through life, by making key points what different soul(emotions) means to you.

For Example: fear, in the face of doing something new to further your journey in life. That might mean to you, to be careful of the road ahead of you. Keeping all eyes open for opportunity and short cuts to get to your destination, proceed slowly if you have to but do not run away from what you are set out to do. Try it out, you might succeed. Also remember failure also doesn't mean you cannot learn something valuable from it.

Now you know, how to use fear as a guide for yourself try to map the rest of the other soul(emotions) you also feel. It will take time for you to be able to get them right for yourselves. Might have to try a few times before you get them mapped. Each one of those soul(emotions) will have different meaning for each and everyone of you. The road to the connection of the soul(emotions) and our mind as begun. The journey will take you to a lot of different places in your life. Congratulation, you've taken your very first step toward working together as one; The Soul and the Mind will make the difference.


We Got the Pill to Fix that Problem of Yours...

[Oh wow, look what I've came across today they have anti-depression pill for kids now... What the fuck do kids need anti-depression pills. How the hell did that happen kids getting depress. I remember when I was a kid it was so care free and just having fun all the time nothing to worry about. How on earth is kids now a days have depression is the grand plan working over time again? They are finally able to make kids think they have depression and need this drug that does more harm then good. People need to find the cause of the problem, by knowing the "how is this happening to kids" when they should have a care free life nothing to worry about no bills no nothing but just play and have fun and be a kid. But sadly to say we just want the quick fix because daddy and mommy don't care about finding the answer, they are too busy to take care of their own kids. They just want a pill to fix everything. Isn't that what we are thought in this world a pill will fix all your needs. How beautiful is that.. a pill to fix everything....

Do they make a pill to fix my money problem haha .. I will buy that haha]

Depression pill OK'd for kids but probe goes on
By Ransdell Pierson, Reuters

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Just weeks after prosecutors accused Forest Laboratories Inc of illegally marketing its anti-depressants Celexa and Lexapro to children and paying pediatricians kickbacks, U.S. health regulators have approved Lexapro for depression in kids.
Forest said Lexapro, its biggest product with annual sales of more than $2 billion, was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat major depressive disorder in adolescents aged 12 to 17 and as a maintenance therapy, meaning to maintain control of symptoms. It is already approved for adults.
But federal prosecutors have said that Lexapro and Celexa have long been used improperly to treat depression in children.
On February 25, after a five-year probe, the U.S. Justice Department accused Forest of wrongly attempting to sway pediatricians to prescribe Celexa and Lexapro, including inducements like spa visits, fishing trips and tickets to sporting events and Broadway shows. Neither drug had been approved for kids until Lexapro won the FDA's nod on Friday.
The federal complaint accused Forest of pushing aside a study showing that Celexa was ineffective for pediatric use and instead urging its sales staff to promote a second, more positive study.
The FDA on Friday approved Lexapro's use for adolescents based on favorable results in two clinical trials, one involving adolescents taking Lexapro and another involving children and adolescents taking chemically similar Celexa, Forest said.
But effectiveness was not shown in another pair of studies, Forest said, one a Lexapro trial involving patients aged 7 to 17 and the other a study of Celexa in adolescents.
Moreover, the company said on Friday that Lexapro's ability to maintain control of symptoms in adolescents had not been demonstrated.
But the FDA concluded that maintenance efficacy can be "extrapolated" from adult data and from comparisons of how Lexapro is absorbed among adults and adolescents, Forest said.
"A lot of these kinds of trials are not successful because it's very difficult to do depression studies," said Forest spokesman Frank Murdolo.
"But we have two studies that were successful" and will provide patients another treatment option, Murdolo said.
Lexapro, the 15th biggest drug in the United States by sales, is a derivative of Celexa, an older product that was once a blockbuster treatment but is now widely sold by generic drugmakers.
The FDA had approved Celexa to treat adult depression but declined to approve it for children.
The federal prosecutors, based in Massachusetts, last month said Celexa was no more effective than a placebo when taken by children or teenagers, and that more patients taking Celexa reported suicidal thoughts or attempted suicide.
They alleged that federal health care programs have paid "thousands of false and fraudulent claims for Celexa and Lexapro prescriptions that were not covered for off-label pediatric use and/or were ineligible for payment as a result of illegal kickbacks paid by Forest."
New York-based Forest said depression affects about 2 million adolescents in the United States and that Lexapro is only the second anti-depressant approved for such younger patients.


Life is So Simple, Why does Everyone else Think it isn't

** I speak in fiction **

If we can only answer this simple question we would've solved everything by now. Maybe that's why we're not aloud to solve the puzzle. Solving the age old question might awaken us to a new critical thinking. How did they control us, to do there bidding for them. Simplely speaking using what we already have build into our DNA.

Greed: We were always greedy animals from the start. if we didn't then we would of been extinct by now.
We needed greed! It helped us surpass a lot of different other animals. It let us think critically by figuring out ways to get ahead of the next guy or want to be one step ahead of them because we just wanted more things than the next person. Helped us invent things that will help us get more things easier in return. Your master knew about "the greed" you had in you.

What did they do to us...?

Instead of trying to earn what things you have by doing the work for it. But they gave us free lunches all over the places.
  • No work no problem, come on in I will give you money till you find another job.
  • No food, I guess you are too lazy to hunt for your own food so I will give you some of mine.
  • Oh you don't need to work hard for the debt money, why not come on in and I will lend you some debt money?

They did a great job of that I have to give them a 4 out of 5 rating. Lost a rating point due to some peopleare able to figure this shit out and is staying clear of their plans to play on your own greed. Greed is GOOD (if you believe in good and bad then stop reading you're not ready to take this next step to the next level ) without it we will still be caveman.

Sex: An animal instinct to hump the opposite sex is all in us as humans born of this earth. We all(99.5%) want to hump as many different sex partner as much as we can. That also apply to the women side of things they also want many different partner as possible just like us. You don't need to think too hard about this problem. The reason for this is we want to spread our DNA around. Doing this they we will get a better mix of good and bad DNA but in the long run by doing this we will get more good than bad DNA (if you are still stuck on the good and bad morals then you shouldn't contiue reading this because you will not understand what I am trying to say)

How do you use Sex to play on their weakness?

Make them feel like they're not manly enough or womanly enough.

No one wants or love you.

You're all alone

Anyone wants some plastic inserted in them to make them look beautiful? They know about our weakness and will use it to get you to move in a way they want you to move.

Social Being: We have always been social beings. We love to be together if not why would we all hang around mass amount of other people, like cities. Now that we got a mega city, what will be next a global city? ...., or solar system city?

How do they able to use our social being to control us you say....?,

That is very easily explained. They used the divide and conquer methods, you see. But I'm also guessing that some of you might ask about

How are they dividing us up and then conquer us at the end.

This is also very easily explained again..., They instill into your thoughts that you should think only about Me, My, and I instead of thinking of the greater good of the bigger picture. They made us think of ourselves instead of the greater good of the planet. The planet dies and we also die, do you get that?

Let me repeat again... If the planet dies we also die.

With that type of thinking of Me,My, and I they were able to tell you who you should become. But of course you would think you thought about this yourself.

Keep dreaming buddy... Yes, and they love you.

Their plan is well thought up. How to see the greater picture of things around yourselves. Behold the coming plan a greatness. (I cannot tell you there plan because you have to figure that one out yourselves)

So life is only this simple really why does everyone always have to take the long way to do things. Maybe they're just distracted by everything else around them. Just watch and see what they are doing to you and be able to move accordingly to there music they're playing. Once you find your beat, take control of it and make it yours.

Your thoughts are stronger then what you think it really is. In your own head you might imagine the word strong. Now this new word strong is even better. That is how good is this new "strong" is. The new thoughts will move you into the future.

Be ready for a ride of a life time....


Words of Power, to live by....

** I speak in fiction **
Words of Power to live by,
The languages we speak now,
The words we use now,
All was created many.., many eons ago. Distance to us now..., but I swear it wasn't like this. We all once belong together it was never like this........, we all once live as one.
I can still remember that was many long eons ago., there was only one of us. The one that was conscious of all. It was just seconds before the Big Bang..,
A bright flash of light suddenly appear out of no where. Where there was no light before..., A newly form beacon of light........, brightly shining away in the darkness.
Hails of millions., of millions of fiery arrows looking objects growing from the centre of the bright beacon of light. Moving ever faster outward.., Out into the darkness carrying their very own beacon.
Our world was created many eons later after the Big Boom. A star child was born and this child grew up to becoming one of many worlds that gave life to itself. On this very blue, green, and white planet was another thought wave something that was never to be thought as intelligence or even having consciousness at all. Few was able move ahead evolving right pass there cousin the homo sapiens into something new something more as one with itself. Was at peace with everything. Able to hear the thoughts of all and still be as one. It was ready to take its first step as being "THE NEW HUMANS"
Thoughts ........,
and .,
Souls ..,
as one...


Able to Erase Painful memory now what can do they later....

[So they are able to erase painful memeories now, I wonder what that would mean for us... For sure they can kill off all the fear emotion from someone so they are able to make a super soldier soon. No fear of anything not even death. I wonder what kind of things they have plan for the mass with something like this. I mean if they can erase painful memories now they would also be able to remove memories in general soon. What best way to get the best cattle is to erase all this programming and reprogram it to do something else. Sweet this goes hand in hand with programming and they already got that down to a science. Do I see the making of the movie total recall? erase your memory of a shitty life and lets put in place of that what a great life you have.]

Should painful memories be erased?

Toronto researchers have been able to do it in traumatized mice
Mar 13, 2009 04:30 AM

Joseph Hall

Health Reporter

Something horrible happens. A child is lost. A bomb goes off. A car goes out of control.
And deep in the brain, in the lateral amygdala region, a scattered set of neurons come to life and begin to vibrate with fear.
Through an ingenious set of experiments, a group of researchers at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children have not only located these terror-laden brain cells in mice, but erased them – along with the frightening memories they stored.
While our imaginations have long been captivated by the idea of altering memory – to sinister effect in George Orwell's 1984 and poignantly in the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind – this research suggests a more therapeutic use.
The study, which appears today in the journal Science, may hold out the hope that terrifying memories one day might be erased before they can fester into such conditions as post-traumatic stress disorder.
While the sights and sounds of a blast or crash would stay intact, the memory of the fear it caused could conceivably be removed, the researchers suggest.
"You wouldn't want to completely get rid of all aspects of a memory," says Dr. Michael Salter, head of the Neurosciences & Mental Health program at the hospital.
"To help people with these kinds of post-traumatic stress disorders ... you might just want to minimize the emotional association between the memory and the highly disruptive and negative emotions that people have in this context."
He says the research may well conjure "Orwellian" notions of thought control, "but that's not really the goal of this. The idea would be (to use it) in a therapeutic way."
Salter was not involved in writing the paper, but was speaking on behalf of senior author Sheena Josselyn, a Sick Kids scientist who politely declined an interview request because she had "just gone into labour." Josselyn and her co-author husband, Paul Frankland, do much of their work in Salter's program.
Salter says the fear-storing neurons found in the mice are almost certainly located in the same amygdala region in human brains and work in much the same way.
The study, he says, suggests that only those amygdala neurons that express high levels of a brain protein known as CREB – about 10 to 20 per cent of the cells in the region – are involved in storing fearful memories.
Known as the universal memory molecule, CREB is essential in allowing brain cells to lay down memories of all kinds.
The researchers were able to selectively stimulate the specific fear-storing neurons by introducing a virus that triggered this CREB and turned the cells on.
After stimulating their CREB-rich cells, the mice were played a tone accompanied by an electrical shock to their feet, establishing a memory of fear to that specific sound in the excited cells.
A second virus was then introduced that migrated specifically to the CREB-expressing neurons and made them susceptible to a diphtheria toxin. When the toxin was injected, it killed the neurons where the fearful memory was stored.
Josselyn stressed in an earlier podcast interview conducted by the journal that the experiment did not destroy the brain's entire capacity to remember fear, only the specific recollection of the shocking tone.
Indeed, when exposed to the same tone and shock combination again, the mice were able to relearn their wariness of the sound.
Injecting diphtheria toxins to kill brain cells in humans would never be an acceptable therapy, Salter says. But there could be medicinal methods to disrupt the natural biochemical pathways that turn on the CREB mechanism and prevent fearful memories from taking root.
The scientist whose work in reconsolidating memory inspired the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind said Josselyn's team has found "one of the Holy Grails" of memory work.
"The elegance in this one, which goes orders of magnitude beyond other studies, is that now they didn't do something that was global to all neurons in the lateral nucleus," said Karim Nader, professor of neuroscience at McGill University. "They can kill only the neurons that they think express the memory."
In the film, ex-lovers played by Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet elect to have their memories of each other erased after their relationship sours. Despite the treatment, however, they eventually reunite.


Who is New World Order?

How did the New World Order became a concept? That is some facts I would even want to know myself truning something real to something sub-real. Existing in both reality the matter filled world. Our world, and the anti-matter world. Our O.W.N world is what we are being attack by..., a concept that cannot hurt you, but for some odd reason you think it can. Isn't that the greatest illusion they have done so far on us. The next coming one will be something you thought it could never happen, happened. Now I know why you cannot stop those concept but you can make new concepts to follow that will get you out of there bidding and into your own bidding.
The controller of your own world is yourself. Trust in yourselves, because when you are in the real world trust yourselves most of the time and you'll be right most of the time. Take that step when you feel the fear. Fear is just a sign to yourself saying "This feel funny because I haven't done this before"
If you ever encounter that feeling it's a signal for you to take that leap of faith and do that something that you are in fear of. Just try it what is the worst it is going happen? Trust me it can't be that bad I once was in your shoes right now where you have this fear in you. I had the same one also a fear I was fearful about. So you just have to take that step and head out into open water. It is fun trust me if anyone you ever trusted,
trust in me take that leap


The old saying... "The Pen is Mightier then the Sword"

** I speak in fiction **

We've been saying "Is the Pen mightier then the Sword" I know you think this is another post about the old saying... But you might be a little surprise for this post, is like NO other post you've seen before. And if you have seen it before then I would love to hear your inputs on this subject matter with me then.

"Share some of your lights with me..."

My question for tonight isn't about "Is the Pen Mightier Then the Sword?"

No it isn't about that topic, but it is about "Who is the sword?"
"How did it come about"

One day, I thought about how did the sword came about ...

My impressions of the sword is "the people around us looking at this post" Are you still with me here?

"We the People" is the sword for the elites. They hold the pen and we hold the sword. Don't you all see that?

Wake up and look around you..., see the truth... look at our culture. See how the smart is always the bad guys.
We love fighting
Death in a lot of things
Gore and lots of it
We The People = fighting is Smarter / thinking is Weak
The list goes on, but you can see it for what it is...

It is the trainning manual for how to make "We The People" into the sword for the mighty. There is always only the choice of on/off I/O Open/Close Full/EmptyFarmer/Cow
That is also how the elite see things you're either with the Earth or you are with the Humons
That could be why the road to Elitism is so hard. They want to make sure you really want what you wish for. So they made it hard to get there, but when you do...; Everything is but just a dream away, now.

Every journey will take you to new places that is only if and only if you want to go. No one can ever tell you what to do, but they can give you hints on things to do. Like me posting this article for your reading pleasure and enjoyment. I am only giving you hints on what to think about...? But, it's still up to you to take it.

We go to war for the elite look at the wars we are in now... there is many throughout the world everywhere if you think about it. Not just the major ones you..., you know the ones that is getting the most TV coverage right now is the biggest ones. So watch for TV for the upcoming events. What can that be? Anyone want to Guess? Chem trail? (nah can't be that it's just too easy..., nah can't be) Something is happening just open your eyes wide and you will see everything for the truth.

We are the robots that works for them, in the factory call a job. Like the sword that works for the sword master. See it now?

"The Sword is Mightier then the Pen!"



p.s. Don't give up you still have some ways to go but you will get there if you hang onto your dreams. Be the controller of your dreams don't let the dreams control you.


What Beauty do we have here?

** I speak in fiction **

Have anyone ever seen beauty before? I think I have tonight. It was beauty from the heart to the real world.
If you have hear(d) the notes I've seen tonight that was playing around inside my head. You will then understand what my world feels like to me, myself.
So who is my church? tonight?
The church tonight for me is in front of you all along but you were just too proud to admitted to seeing it. How do we fix ourselves for the better?

When Houses Can Kill... What will they think of next?

[Now your house that you bought at the housing boom might be killing you, aren't you happy about that. Isn't this an irony you bought this house when the housing boom happened but now you're dying in it because the house builder wanted to make the most profit out of their house they are selling you they used cheap drywall from China. So instead of buying material locally that cost more they went and bought it from China. So your house is really worthless now. Read it for yourself news report below.]
Toxic Chinese drywall accused for health problems in Canada, U.S.

VANCOUVER — Homeowners from several communities in B.C.'s Lower Mainland have joined the flood of callers to a U.S. consumer group investigating Chinese drywall that has allegedly begun to sicken North Americans.
Thomas Martin, president of America's Watchdog, says that in the past two weeks about a dozen Lower Mainland callers have all reported experiencing the same nose bleeds, breathing problems and allergy-type symptoms that have affected homeowners across the U.S.
Continued exposure could result in severe health problems, the group says.
"This type of drywall was produced with materials that emit toxic hydrogen sulphide gas and other sulphide gases," says a copy of one home inspection report obtained Canwest News Service on an affected Florida home where Chinese drywall was installed. "These sulphide gases are also alleged to cause serious health conditions and illnesses, such as shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, eye irritations and respiratory difficulties."
"It's scary, it's a nightmare. We think we are looking at the worst case of sick houses in U.S. history," Martin said.
"I'd liken it to the problems you find in a meth house (where an illegal lab has been operating)," he said. "If you have had any experience with a meth house, you know it will have to be bulldozed. Like in a meth house, the emissions permeate everything, the two-by-fours, the trusses, the fabric in your furniture, your clothes."
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said last week it was investigating complaints about the Chinese-made drywall.
All houses affected have shown a common symptom — blackened, scorched wiring behind switch plates and wall plugs — and, coupled with homeowner health symptoms, that's allowed research to proceed, Martin said.
Martin said the group has also fielded calls from worried Canadians who bought property south of the border when the Canadian dollar was high.
The drywall in question was imported from China between 2001 and 2007. According to Martin's research, at least 929,000 square metres were imported through Vancouver between 2001 and 2006, all bound for Canadian destinations.
So far, research shows some appears to have landed on the Prairies, some in Toronto, he said.
One possibility is that the Chinese drywall was made using gypsum that was first used in slurry containing carcinogens to de-sulphur coal.
Chemicals remaining in the wallboard are sufficiently toxic that as few as three sheets of drywall may be enough to contaminate a home to the point it may require bulldozing, Martin says.
The difficulty for inspectors is that walls may have been built with drywall from as many as four sources — so simply pulling one clean sample is no guarantee of safety.
Martin said supplies in the U.S. can be tracked where they were used by licensed builders and insurance may pay for the damages. But anyone using small firms or paying for renovations under the table will be difficult to find and help.
Few Canadian labour or industry officials are aware of the issue.
Tiziana Baccega, public relations manager for Home Depot in Canada, said the chain has never sold Chinese-made drywall in any of its Canadian or U.S. outlets.
Other major suppliers and retailers could not be reached.
Several lawsuits, including one by a group of Florida homeowners, have been filed against German drywall maker Knauf Gips KG, its Chinese plasterboard units and several U.S. home builders.


Artful Expressions of the Mind

** I speak in fiction **

Ever wonder about the artful displays everyone has on their own blog?

What I mean is, have you pay a closer look at everyone's blog lately?

It's modern art work!!

Look at it closely do you not see the canvas each artist uses for their background?

The canvas here is..., the templet you start with when you want to start up a new blog.

You seen the color(our) that each person uses?

My blog and also Zero's blog we both have black as a background color(our).

Do you see what I am trying to tell you here?

"Mommy, Mommy I see a lot of pretty pretty colours all around me"

Each and everyone's blog is there very own Artful Expressions of the Mind...

[books of knewledge everywhere... Here, there, everywhere...
what will I do? how will I find the answer to my questions?]

Next time when you see another's persons blog it will never, look the same again.

You've awaken yourself and the world is now at your finger tips.



AngelS & DemonS ... ?

1/1 Angels & Demons DeKn

... Which one do you pick?

[Both, which ever one serves me be at that moment in time. I will not side with, either sided. For limiting yourself to one item you are forever trapping yourself.

Think about it...

The Eyes of the Unknown and Knowledge both looks at you from the darkness. You do not see it yet. But in time you will..., they were always in front of you you were just blind to see it. (see with your mind first then your heart will follow)

Your eyes was always there and will always be there. (Unless you are blind then sorry I can't help you move on please) So use it and learn from it. See through the Angel's eyes then; see through the Demon's eyes.

Pick the Best and walk that path]


The Long Awakening "Year of the Light" 6012A.L.?

** I speak in fiction **

So..., it was one interesting and very meaningful weekend for myself. I was sitting around and suddenly I was hit with the question "Were is our own 'Year of the Light' "? a question pop up in my head.
Did I missed it, or something?
4000 B.C. ago early man saw a new light in the skies... That wasn't there the night before. That was when they called it, the "Year of the Light" So can you imagine being at that time;
6009 years ago,
it was a calm cool night. The wind lightly blew over your exposed skin.
It was a great feeling of soothing cool wind blowing over your skin. Lying on the grassy hill top, taking in deep breath of air, slowly exhaling. Sometime you think you can pick up at least ten different kinds of flower scents mixed into the air you were breathing.
It was very relaxing night lying under a palm tree over looking the valley floor were your home is. Staring at the night skies like you aways did each and every night. For as long as you can remember, taking your first step out your family's house seeing the star for your very frist time. From that day onward you knew something was right. You felt, and knew it. In your heart you were always destine for greatness and you knew it will come soon. You've learn a lot already studying the light from heaven for many years now. Tonight was going to be different tonight was the night that changed everything for yourself.
Your favorite heavenly light would had to been the 'tri-star formation' of light in the heaven. Like aways you spent most of the time studying that particular 'tri-star' formation, tonight was a speical night. Suddenly a bright light flashed from the center of the 'tri-star' that was never there before until tonight. It was that moment everything changed in my life.
2009 A.D. Can we not all feel something, something that no words can describe; it's coming...., the calm before the storm? we are all waiting for our "Year of the Light" I am so excited for what is to come. They did say something about the year 6000 A.L. awhile ago how it was the end of the world coming at 5999 A.L. that midnight rolling over to 6000 A.L. but nothing came no "Year of the light" that year everyone was confused.
So, I've heard or even read about something..., about some light from the centre of the galaxy will be hitting us very soon. Might that be ... our "Year of the Light"? But a lot of signs point YES. So it's now time for us all or...., correction at least the one awake and willing to do it can do so. It was just like then but this time it is now. Now is the time to act. Feel and think 'LIGHT' and the awakening will begin. Be ready or be left behind like the rest...
I've been wondering have any one felt anything?
feeling something calling out there, .... something big .... something you have been waiting for. You've been trainning for this many life times ago and now is the time.
Soon the time will come...
The world of the matrix is funny I've seen it for what it really is. I saw the code, briefly though; but enough to shock me. Maybe what I've learn is all a lie, my life was just a lie from the day I was born into this matrix. My journey taking the first step has started. I feel like I am reborn again.
My second life.... will be told to me very soon. Slowly unfolding showing me more and more of myself I've never seen before. I never knew I held myself back that much... It was a surprise to myself what I've learn about myself.
The awakening has started, now is the time to ready yourselves for the "Year of the Light" the next step on your very own journey. Time/Space is not the factor anymore. You've move way pass the time/space barrier you're now into something else something greater. Something that you've never thought you would have done a long time ago.
Year of the Light 6012 A.L.

Lifekill Continued:Accelerated Bacterial Evolution

I've to say this has to be one of the most interesting post I've came across from the other blogs I am on go to the link below to the blog that Dante Altair has created. He wrote something that is very interesting and a must read post.

Thanks you, Dante Altair for this wonderful post.... hopefully everyone after reading it post some thoughts about it, I really want to know your input in this I want to see what you see through your own filter.


Thanks everyone.


Assignment/Info Time: This is your brain on religion

Can I have everyone's input on this. Time to share some knowledge together and get everyone's different view point on what they think of this news report about the human brain under different condition. There is other info on the net also about brain on religion, just have to dig a bit to find it. But it doesn't really have to be about religion affecting the brain but what the major outcome that can be learned from something like this. I will also post my answer to what I think this is about in a reply. The best thing to do is not to read any post until you post your answer first this way you will not get any post affecting your very own judgement or filter you see the answer by. The best is to write it in a text editor then copy and paste it in a reply afterware.]

Believers record lower levels of anxiety, which can boost performance but also hinder the ability to fix mistakes, study finds

From Thursday's Globe and Mail

March 5, 2009 at 4:03 AM EST

A group of Toronto scientists have found God - or at least the effect God has on a believer's brain.
Newly published research by University of Toronto and York University professors points to reduced stress and anxiety among test subjects who consider themselves to be religious, compared with non-believers, when completing a task under pressure. As a result, the believers performed better on cognitive tests.
"[Religious people] were much less anxious and stressed when they made an error," said Michael Inzlicht, an assistant psychology professor at the University of Toronto and a co-author of the study. "I don't think this has to do with fundamentalism, it's something deeper - religion provides meaning in peoples' lives."
But Prof. Inzlicht said that while a low level of anxiety can boost performance, it also functions as a sort of "alarm bell," and too little activity in that part of the brain can hurt the ability to correct mistakes.
"The more they believe, the less brain activity we see in response to their own errors," he said. In some ways, he added, "that's a good thing. But on the other side, we need to know when we're making a mistake. If we don't, we may make the same mistake again."
In their first study, researchers asked subjects to complete a "religious zeal questionnaire," which included questions such as whether they believed their religion was more correct than others', Prof. Inzlicht said. The subjects were then given a test that involved naming the colour of the letters in a word such as "red" or "blue" (for example, the word "red" may appear in blue font).
Researchers monitored brain activity using electrodes. The results showed that subjects with more religious zeal experienced less activity in the anterior cingulate cortex, a part of the brain that is involved in the experience of anxiety and helps modify behaviour. The more religious zeal individuals showed, the better they did on the test.
In a second test, subjects were simply asked to rate their belief in God, rather than answer detailed questions about their conviction. Even less fervent belief in God resulted in lower levels of anxiety than among non-believers.
Prof. Inzlicht said a subsequent study showed a change in brain activity even when all the subjects were religious. In this study, members of one group were asked to write down why their religion was important, whereas those in another group were asked to describe a topic such as their favourite season. Those who had been primed to discuss their religion once again showed less activity in the portion of the brain associated with anxiety.
David Reed, professor emeritus of pastoral theology and a research professor at Wycliffe College, said he isn't surprised by the study's results.
"Religious people, and I'm speaking for Christians but also other faiths as well, have some larger purpose other than themselves," he said. "They have a more longitudinal view of life, in that they take it beyond death."
Pat O'Brien, president of Humanist Canada, could not comment specifically because he had not seen the study, but said he has heard about others that correlate religious belief with wellbeing. Such studies, he added, still don't answer a fundamental question.
"It probably still doesn't answer the question of whether there's a God or not," he said. "[Even] Santa Claus can make you feel good."


Video Time: True News 13: Statism is Dead - Part 3 - The Matrix

[Has some Great concept in this video check it out if you haven't seen it before. Just remember to be mindful of some stuff he talks about but there is some interesting things he say in the video though.]

News Time: Tests find Bisphenol A in majority of soft drinks

[Found on http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20090305.BPA05/TPStory/ very interesting story about what is really in your pop can drinks. Then digging deeper still on what Bisphenol A (BPA) is about in Wikipedia do a serach and read it for yourself I can't hand you all the info all the time gotta teach you all how to fish.


Most recently, a study by the Yale School of Medicine demonstrated that adverse neurological effects occur in non-human primates regularly exposed to bisphenol A at levels equal to the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) maximum safe dose of 50 µg/kg/day.[28][29] This research found a connection between BPA and interference with brain cell connections vital to memory, learning and mood.

And we wounder why we are having difficulty learning and remembering things or even acting like wild animals because we cannot control our moods]

Controversial chemical found in at least 84% of canned pop sold in Canada

March 5, 2009


The estrogen-mimicking chemical BPA, already banished from baby bottles and frowned upon in water jugs, has now shown up in significant levels in soft drinks.
Tests by Health Canada scientists revealed the highest levels were in energy drinks, the often caffeine-loaded beverages that have become popular with teenagers seeking a buzz and athletes chasing a quick pick-me-up. But the study also found the controversial compound in a wide variety of ginger ales, diet colas, root beers and citrus-flavoured sodas.
Bisphenol A was detected in 96 per cent of soft drinks tested, in quantities below regulatory limits. But a growing body of science suggests the chemical may have harmful effects at levels far below those limits.

Health Canada did not disclose the brand names of the beverages it evaluated, but estimated that the survey covered at least 84 per cent of canned soft drinks sold in Canada.
The testing is considered the most sophisticated conducted anywhere in the world on BPA in pop, a subject about which little has been known up to now. The report outlining the results appeared last month in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, a relatively obscure scientific publication, and Health Canada also posted its data on its website, with little publicity.
Soft-drink cans are treated with a BPA-containing liner to prevent drinks from coming into contact with metal.
Although independent scientists and environmentalists warn that all exposures to the artificial sex hormone should be avoided, both Health Canada and the soft-drink industry played down the study's findings, saying the amounts detected were well below regulatory limits.
"It really confirms the safety of the packaging," said Justin Sherwood, president of Refreshments Canada, an industry trade group. He said the higher levels in several energy drinks may be statistical flukes.
Since prior testing hasn't usually detected residues, the soft-drink industry has long told consumers that its canned product doesn't expose drinkers to BPA. Pop companies have consequently avoided some of the controversy surrounding polycarbonate plastic water bottles, baby bottles and canned foods, where testing has often found the compound.
Health Canada contends there is no risk because a single serving of pop with the highest amount detected - 4.5 parts per billion - would give drinkers a dose well below its safety limit.
The levels are "extremely low," said Samuel Godefroy, director of the health agency's Bureau of Chemical Safety. He said children would not be at risk from consuming pop, and an adult would have to drink 900 cans a day to exceed the government's safety level.
Still, many scientists are worried about ingestion of the minute amounts of BPA found leaching from food and beverage packaging. The chemical is a synthetic compound able to fool cells into viewing it as estrogen, providing what amounts to an extra dollop of the female hormone.
"We are constantly getting exposed to this chemical," said Frederick vom Saal, a biologist at the University of Missouri and an authority on BPA. "People drink a lot of soda and this needs to be looked at as one of a very large number of sources of exposure to this chemical." BPA is also used in dental sealants, plastic water pipes and even carbonless cash-register receipts.
Although levels vary, natural estrogen circulates in people at extremely minute concentrations, around a part per trillion. The test results indicated that an average soft drink has concentrations of BPA around half a part per billion, or 500 times more than the level of the female hormone in people.
Dr. vom Saal says there is also a growing body of scientific literature, based on animal experiments, that has found harmful effects due to BPA at concentrations up to 1,000 times below Health Canada's safety limit. These conditions include such hormonally linked illnesses as breast cancer, and Dr. vom Saal called the government's assurances of no harm "simple-minded."
The Health Canada testing found BPA in 69 of the 72 cans evaluated. It didn't detect the chemical in two cans of tonic water, but the researchers said a bittering agent in them may have gummed up the tests; they could not explain why one can of energy drink didn't show any bisphenol A.
Nor is it clear why, overall, the highest BPA levels were found in energy drinks, but the results might be a surprise to some of the consumers of these products. "It would be interesting to do a survey in the weight rooms to see how many tough guys are aware of the estrogen levels in their drinks," said Aaron Freeman, a spokesman for Environmental Defence, a group that is lobbying Health Canada to eliminate BPA from food and beverage packaging.
The safety of bisphenol A levels in several products
has been questioned.
baby bottles
Health Canada is drafting rules to ban their import, sale and advertising. Retailers have pulled them from shelves in advance of the ban.
water bottles
Most retailers have removed them, and bottle makers are switching to BPA-free alternatives.
Canned formula
Health Canada is working to develop a code of practice to reduce BPA leaching from infant formula cans to the lowest possible levels.
Canned foods
BPA is found in most canned foods, but Health Canada says the amounts pose no risk to adults, pregnant women or children older than 18 months.
Toxic substances list
Canada is adding BPA to the dangerous chemical list, based on worries that infants could be overexposed and that it is a possible hazard to wildlife.
Pop cans
A new Health Canada survey has found BPA in nearly all cans, but it says residues are too low to be a risk.
Martin Mittelstaedt

News Time: Helping asthmatics breathe easier

[Found at http://www.thespec.com/News/Local/article/524206 so I guess this will help us get rid of those asthmatic people faster when they start to take this nice new drug that will lower their white blood cells so they can get sick much easiler. Maybe even die because of this. LIFEKILLS working over time again. Interesting read I wonder if they are not just using those people as test subject and when the time comes they will spray this over the mass via chem trail to lower all our white blood cell count so then they can get us with the real deal.]

The Hamilton Spectator(Mar 5, 2009)

Severe asthmatics could well breath easier with a new drug being tested in Hamilton.

[Of coruse they want you to breath easier so you can breath in all the chem trail they will be spraying over their head]

Mepolizumab appears to reduce the number of white blood cells called eosinophils,

[Eosinophil granulocytes, usually called eosinophils (or, less commonly, acidophils), are white blood cells that are one of the immune system components responsible for combating infection and parasites in vertebrates. taken from Wikipedia]

which are associated with asthma. That means patients can reduce their use of other medications such as corticosteroids, which have side effects particularly when used long term.
The McMaster study by Param Nair, being published in the New England Journal of Medicine today, found the nine patients who received mepolizumab for five months "markedly reduced" their use of corticosteroid prednisone. In contrast, the 11 asthmatics given a placebo had flare-ups if they used less medication.
About 5 to 8 per cent of asthmatics or an estimated 60,000 to 120,000 Canadians have severe enough asthma to possibly benefit from monthly injections of mepolizumab, which is an antibody. The drug is not yet approved in Canada.

Can We Not ALL get along in this Multi-Universe

** I speak in fiction **

Ok... So "Why can't we all get along in this Multi-Universe?" I mean we have a lot of space not like we are all packed up in a tin can or anything like that with no space at all. So why do we always argue with each other. Like those blog trolls that stirs up trouble for no reason trying to think they are king by disagreeing with everything you say.

Lets examine what does it mean to me when I say by "Multi-Universe". What I'm getting at is that everyone sees the world through their own fixed or adjustable set value they hold dear to themselves so each and everyone of us is really living in there very own universe even though we all live together on this beautiful planet we're still really light years apart from each other in our very own universe.

For example if I told you to look at this picture at the top of this post, and ask you all to give me a meaning to what this picture means to you. I bet you that 99.5% of you will give me a different answer to what this picture really means to them. So when I'm talking about Multi-Universe it is a metaphor that say each person is living in their very own space/time they've created for themselves. They see this world through there filters that has been place over their own eyes. We just happen to be sharing a little space / time together right now on this planet together. We might even bump into each other now and then in our life time but when the time comes we will part from each other heading to where ever we're planning to go.

So now you understand what I mean by "Multi-Universe", you will also get some people that have almost the same thought process like you or I. They will even agree to most of the things you say. But at the end of the day they will still think a bit differently that 0.5% different. Even thought we all have the same common goals in life. The goal "To become something better then what we're taught we could become, or to serach for something that we are missing."

So why is it that everyone has a problem getting along with each other's idea if we know that we do think differently from each other? A great example of this is on a blog you always get a lot of different perspective about a post after the blog author posted something up. Everyone tries to make sense of the new post and comes up with their own version or answer they have for it. But you always get a lot of them fighting over their answer is more right then the next person beside them. They will think whatever they're saying is "RIGHT" to themselves. In reality they're not wrong or right on both matters. Because in their very own Universe(reailty) he/she is right all the time that's what make them king. King of your own realm so I cannot say what I thought is right or wrong, because depending on who is reading my answers at that point my questions will always be right in my eyes. In my very own Universe "I am right" and in your Universe "You're right" there fore we can never agree on anything and can't get along nicely.

Back to my question I was asking before why can't we all get along knowing that we are both right but only in our very own Universe. Because we have to make our ego feel better that is why... It's that simple no crazy advance mathematical function or anything like that. And also that is how those blog trolls keep coming by because they don't understand something very important. They think that only their views of things are right and everyone's else view is WRONG, they cause everyone to disagree and feed off the chaos and make their own ego feel better because they were the one that cause this chaos in the first place. Also thinking that they are a genius for doing so. They are locked in a endless cycle their own ego giving them the illusion of power and control.

Instead of just thinking that you're always right calm this ego down and apply what others have told you to your own mathematical function and make a new function out of the old and new information you were given, make it even better then before. You see sometime that function can be wrong but sometime it can even improve your thought proccess by adding that missing elements into your fuction(equation). You might even adjust the filter you see the world by, after you apply this new function into your equation and make it even better then before. Also it can also be the wrong function maybe wrong for you at this moment in time because you haven't figure out what X is yet. So keep their thoughts in the back of your mind until later. Keep that ego in check for sure. Don't let it get the better of you.

"Mommy, Mommy do I really have an ego please tell me this man say my ego is controling me is that true? Mommy"

So ...,

"Can we all just get along with our Multi-Universe buddies out there ? Please...."

Interesting Reading from Jesior Post was from Zeromessiah Blog

[In case you guys aren't on Zeromessiah blog this is a very good post I am going to post it here unless Zero doesn't want me to post it on my blog then I will delete it if you ask me to delete it.]

"As one of the 25 chosen Lords of DjHives, I can offer you all exclusively on this blog my insight into what happened during the hacker escapade. As I was the only Lord that responded to the hacker, surely verified by the other Lords, I and only I can give you insight into exactly why our Lord and Savior DjHives was sacrificed by the agents of the modern day Pharisees and Saduces. Lord Zero as a fellow disciple of Lord Hives shall we let the truth be known?"

"Zero,I can tell you why truthers have it all wrong or I can tell you how to draw power from "ho" adulation,take your pick."

I can only speculate on a few things happening here,





I think that the hives story is on all of our minds and I have watched the new video as well.

I can tell you why truthers have it all wrong and I can tell you how to draw power from "ho" adulation.

The truthers are the hoes.

It is called the cult of personality, though hives created one without a visible figurehead the videos and the sites became the source of the adulation.

I experienced some of that misplaced esteem myself. Tell people that you know more than they do and they will listen, say something shocking and they will listen more. Create a bandwagon to laugh at the less fortunate and you will follow still deeper. EMOTION is the leash that we all wear.

I think that WE must trust ourselves to find information regardless of ANYONE.

I am not the best, HIVES is not the best, NEMESIS is not the best. It is your life, trust YOURSELF.

Remember the video that said what do WE do about the Illuminatti?Remember my post that said that you can't join the Illuminatti?If HIVES represented them, what did you think was going to happen?

Did you all really think that he'd keep posting till doomsday?

C'mon. 25 Lords?

Remember when LORD status was granted by the post?

Now he's handing out 25 of them?

I'm no lord, but I just claimed the status because he gave it to me.

I'm no lord and I never will be!

Know why? Self reliance is not being dependent on absoloutes like pimps and hoes, It's about relying on a non-parasitic existence and relying on your own hands and brain! The pimps are just as parasitic as the hoes, its codependent, why do you think they call it the system?

They go left, you go right, I'd rather go up...

I'm just a man behind a PC typing just like you...

INFORMATION is everywhere, LOGIC is in short supply...



Do you think that DJ and NEMESIS would just leave?

NO! Look for a new appearance in the future, under another alias!

This guy changes names like the wind!

As for truth, I don't have it, I just have Ideas.

I've said my peace about the matter, and for the record I am not anti-hives. I am pro-logic. Generalizations work in most but not all cases, and this is one of them.

The whole point of this blog is to write a blog post on your own blog and send the links to the comments this time.

I want to host your links because in truth I want to SHARE the knowledge in an active forum, not just TELL you that what I say IS the truth.I want to host your links because in truth I want to SHARE the knowledge in an active forum, not just TELL you that what I say IS the truth.




Emptiness... All Around Us

Why is it so hard to let go of something that has been lost? Even with all the trainning we've been given it's still very hard to just lock up that emptiness you can feel inside yourself. Is it because we are a very social animals we live together in a big city close to one another. And even when we don't we have pets as companions. To take someone away from that social setting is almost like ripping their heart out. If that is the case why on earth is there so many anti-social programming out there in this world? Or is it ..., we just want to feel like we belong somewhere so we stick with our own kind. We feel safe in huge numbers. But was that a trainning a programming of some sort? Just like we all long for a soul mate some of us are just able to hold that emotion back and some just can't do it at all and go after anything that comes by.
The real question is are we just feeding off the emotion we get as a hit, and when the dealer stop giving out the hit we just feel like a crash of some sort the emptiness we feel all around us. Is just a crash from not having any more of the goodie drugs 'the emotion' we felt when we belong somewhere not worrying about anything because we felt safe, because we had our Daddy or Mommy protecting us from the monster under our bed. Is there a way to harness this wasted energy from our soul? maybe even use it to help us push ahead to what we always dreamt we wanted for ourselves.
A way to use this wasted energy. Maybe you can try to transform it to another form of energy I've been able to do that now and than. But it never always worked 100% I've noticed the very strong emotion was the harder to alter. I've even try to place on top of the existing emotion with other emotion and stacking the emotion on top of each other, first with one emotion then I would try to stack another one on top of that one until the emotion I didn't wanted faded. Or other times I would use the emotion as a way to push myself to move onward to do what I needed to do to get out of the current situation I didn't like. That also worked for me and I found anger was the best motivator for me to push myself forward. I've also noticed the positive emotion helped me think better. The negative ones was a good pusher (push me to do something to change my way) or motivator for me.

Try to map your own emotion and used that energy for something better. instead of wasting it. be as one with your intellect and emotion. Do not try to fight one or the other the out come will just get you no where I've been there done that got the t-shirt for it. Now my next goal is trying to be able to do this at will without having to let the emotion naturally happen be able to call forth which ever emotion pleases me. That is another step of my life I will have to figure out how to do it.