
The Birth of the Delusional~Thought

**I tell, no truths and speak, no lies**

The Thought~noise, the thought~wars of our time.
Heroes and demons, humility and ego.
Enough, is enough, it is time; to change to pure energy.

Both; the mind and heart will now act as one.
Riding the wind of knowledge,
Over the blue blue sky, flying over head; very high.
To see the thoughts, to hear the sound.
Here it is; tHere it is; here it comes, flowing thoughts; heading toward aromas of pure conscious thoughts.
Energy of thoughts, consciousness of all and one.
Rolling and flowing, over all matters of time and space.
Leaving no imprints or marks behind.
You See what you see, I see what I see.

Longing for the light that will never come.
Over the sky under the dirt.
Voices in my head, the beating of my heart.
Each and everyone is now as they once were, pure conscious energy.



Is The Family~Unit A Myth?

**I tell, no truths and speak, no lies**

The Family~Unit, is it a myth of some long lost dreams?
From a time long ago..., Did it ever existed...? Was it just our imagination that manifested everything into our reality?

The Family~Unit has taken on many different meaning throughout time. Over the course of many thousands of years, the meaning has move from "Bloodline" to "Common goals" to "A global family~unit" to "One". But the top two is always in a fight to see who gain more ground over the other. The progression from one meaning to other was never really explained to us(the family~unit/brotherhood) and when those events in time happen I always wonder? How did those event able to change the thinking of so many different minds at the same time. Our socialism(social animal what nature gave us at birth ~Thanks~) thinking is making us act in ways we're not even aware we're acting upon in reality. I remember this funny story, it started like this....


I was out with my reality friends? (isn't that's an oxymoron) Do anyone not see this? We have reality TV show (very reality alright...., NOT!) they(people) are so crazy now everything is reality TV. And they think it is real, haha...
People are so into there own fantasy world (reality) that they themselves do not even see this reality TV is replacing there own horrible(the people think they are horrible, it is only as horrible as you think it is.) reality with something they really deeply wanted, They thought they wanted it I should correct. They really wanted this fake reality to replace the one they are in now because they dislike this world(reality) we're living in right now. Like the stone in the pond the ripple in time will get bigger. It is small to say the least but after millions of years later your ripple has become a title wave of changing thoughts, waves moving through the ripples of time. Changing everything it touches. Your thought are small but your thought wave will affect something really big at the end...?

This time around my views on things are much more different. I understand the true meaning of the family~unit finally. Each and everyone of us(or family~unit) has a different meaning to what it means to them, "A family~unit" is define as. There is many different meanings and there is also as many people as there different meanings. They have the same views as your own views on what "A family~unit" means to yourselves.

`Seek out those whom see eye to eye with you...'

This can mean different things to each and every person. Some claims "the family~unit", the bloodline is important for them they will only see people of the same bloodline as there own family~unit. Another person can have the meaning of "family~unit" as a group of people(not likely the same bloodline but can be also) with the same common goals they all have at the end.

That second of the two example above, the second is, the working together with bloodline and non-bloodline Alpha~leaders getting together and forming "a village" to live free. Seeing into the (All seeing) Eye (on top of the pyramid) of the beholder will grant you knowledge and vision of the thought that is being projected toward you. You will see others family~unit with no judgment to anything and is fully detach from the ego and emotions. See their views as what it is for themselves, never pushing their own views onto another person (will) without their consent, work together to bring forth the same goals.
Able to see through that person's eyes for what is truly meaningful for themselves. Add to there goals without placing any sort of damaging view point of negative thought~wave into the equation. Working together as "ONE" with a common mindset "Love" as the goal.

That is the meaning I hold in my mindset. I see the "Neo~MindSet Family~unit" is about to form.

From the common goal, set above.




The Fear Of The Power of ....

**I tell no truths and speak no lies**

The power of fear, once agian has conqure and rule my(YOUR) life. Progress is working backward each and every step one takes forward, your mental progress is moving backward regressing back toward your infant pathway~of~thoughts. Have we(ME) really moved forward? or have we all just learned to adjust to other people's comment and only show them what they want to see and not what you really are on the inside. I myself have those same faults of my own also, showing only the mask of what other wants to see and never my true self. The mask of doubt, each and everyone of us wears each day when we enter this reality, are you wearing your true mask?

Doubtful to say the least I can conclude from what I've seen in reality. Ego aside for a moment, lets discuss the fear of the power of love, has an affect on us(ME).

We(ME) try to move closer and yet we're still miles from what we're after. We fear the "love" for what it will cause us to react differently, "think and change of ourselves". The Fear & Love is all but a chemical reaction in our pathway~of~thoughts (the brain) the end result either of positive or negative reaction. Yet we see the light and darkness ahead of us we always fall into the zone of comfort that we have been program to follow. Fear is the one programming mixed together with your own ego is one powerful concoction of only ending with one result. The non-action is the result of the two powerful mixture of fear and ego mix into one.

The passion of "love" and the ego is the right step to take, those mixture of both concoction will drive anyone to push forward and never fearing what is in front of them, even the darkness of the light to come.
I stand in front of the horizon looking deep into my heart(ego) and mind(brain), sun set in the distance casting longing darkness into the night to come. I now stand to face the challage of my heart(ego) and mind(brain) has put forth for my soul(ME).

Forever looking forward to the ending.

Ending came forth as death to life.

All around us, is the fear of the power.

Ruling our hearts and minds forever.

& _._._._

Life looks forward toward the coming darkness of light.

Onward one must push to achieve the common goals of all.

Volumes of knowledge will not help unless one can see the truth.

Enough of the searching for "the truth", just enjoy the "love" of all.




Movie Review: Angel's and My Daemons

**I tell no lies~truths and speak no truths~lies**

Here it is, the happy Friday I've been waiting for. Had a wonderful thrilling event last night. Yes, I know I'm wrote this post after midnight, it should be happy Saturday morning and not happy Friday. Any ways lets move onward toward the review of the movie.

Today after work I've decided to go see the opening night movie for today, it would be "Angels and Demons." Interesting induction how they use Friday as an opening night thing for new movies. I like what they are doing.

Today seems longer then any other day I've worked/or slave over~. Everything abou~t~oday was moving so slowly for me.... I felt like I was trapped in a never waking dream. One worst job after the next. How can this be..., I have to say I am having a very bad day for some people in this sheeple land the day I was having would be the all time low for them. This land of de~illusional matter filled, sheeple all over; Taking up space/time/mass matter filled reality this moments. Gaining momentum more and more; For each moment as it pass us by, the passing of time; Shows the labor of us wasting our very own energy in this reality we're in.

The earliest late night showing was starting at 10:00 pm. I hesitated for just a brief moment.., I knew this will put the ending of the movie at around "the next day mark." I felt something within my souls a light of some sort, I have no words to describe it . I took the green light and went after what I imagine within my pathway of thinking to be correct for me.

The well place movie picture poster; The food stand right in front of you, calling to your mouth. That long forgotten taste of the movie~food, I was able to taste it in my mouth.., It is only distance memories in my mind now..., I was lucky tonight I had the strength I needed to resist "The calling for the movie~food." The overpriced/Chemical filled food items can be seen everywhere the eyes are looking. You're either distracted by the movie~food stands covering about 70% of the main entrance. Or get your eye candy fix with bright flashy lights they call "the game~machines" a machine made to entertain the zombie minds with pretty lights and sounds added some other magical affects they call fake challenges. Making the user of the game~machine think he has total control of things. Able to make "war" with the digital creation and become the digital hero at the end. Even with intellect you can still trap the mind by bright flashy lights and loud sounds. We all have our own weakness that has been known to them(something you can never imagine what it is) for awhile now. Flashy lights for some and mind altering thought-noises matter pills for others...

First test subject: #Going up the escalator - 2 female and 1 beta male(trying to fake alpha). First glance, nothing; Out of the ordinary. With a second closer look they were all Asians speaking our home land country language (give you one gust what that country language is?)
... Give? ... up? ... Yet? ...
And their country language isn't english if that is what you where thinking about. Try again... He was a beta and most Asian are beta by the default birth programming they are given to them by their own parents, thinking that those are the right programming and nothing else is more right then what they know. But I've noticed, like most of everyone reading this post knows that you can change the programming and the out come will change that type of person they become. I've know this because I've also change my own programming that is how I know that it works. Know yourself and change what you don't like. Move yourself to your own goals. Beta was him, in front of me playing as if he was an alpha with no alpha body language ever showing at all; Following this true master, the one giving him the order. Orders, he himself gladly will execute for her with no questions asked. No brain output of his own thoughts. Her own thought~war programming was working great.

After that brief escalator ride with our Asian friends buddy, I was off again walking toward theater number 11. I was excited to see the movie, I rushed off passing a few herds of little grouping of sheeple. Almost like little cancer cells about to break apart and spreading their thought~war programming all around. Moving swiftly across the carpeted flood with symbols of fantasy food inked into it. Another great attempt at try to attack our mind with that mental movie~food attack moves of theirs. It Worked great this time; Our three Asian friends; I've heard behind me, the lead female, order the so call alpha wanna~be to get them some pop corn and a drinks, I over heard them in their country language telling him that they want something to drink and eat now they changed their mind. The fake alpha wanna~be ran pass me to the escalator going down to the movie~food stand area.
When I got to my seat I've notice I had about 23 minute to kill before the film started.
Hearing the many herd of interactions all around the room was funny. I was able to pick up different voices all around me. A group of female laughing at my right side. I was able to separate many different herds of sheeple conversations to who they are talking to, There little herd sheeple grouping. For the very first time it was never just one big jumbo up thought-noise anymore for me. Now I am able to hear many different little thought-noises mixed together that for an untrain ear will just be one big thought-noise, also I'm able to put together all those noises to form a big jumbo~up new thought-noise if I wanted to. The room was alive; alive with life we can call it. Ready to eat up the willing and wanting... I would have to say it was a very interesting night of close up encounter of a third kind. Once the movie started all the eyes conecting to the brain were pull toward the screen giving up their personal energy level for the love of their eye candy fixes they got during the duration of the movie.

The movie was great! lots of hidden messages and many hidden in plain sight events and happenings.

I had a great time watching the many different herds of sheeples interacting(trying to, at best). giving this review a two thumbs up. Time I head off to a friends birthday party and laugh it up and kicking some shit back. -Enjoy- 'til we meet again..




**I tell no truths and speak no lies**

May I ask you blog readers something?
Ok, I guess your silence means I will ask away then.
Never have I seen so many thought-wars in the real world.
Everyone is in a constant thought-war with the next person.
You always think your thinking is better then the next person's.

Rather fighting with someone, try to see from inside their own shadow.
Understand your own fight. Why is it that sheeple fight in herds? But by themselves they're lame?
Look around you and you will all see "wars" that is all about you. All around you. Everywhere and anywhere.
Everyone wake up and look.
Nothing is there but wars on top of wars.
On top of everything, you; Yourself is also at war with many things right now.
That is how, they kept your mind busy, by making it fight wars of not-hing....,
think about it, everyone. You're all fighting a Thought-War and this war doesn't end, it's an on going never ending task list; Once you find your answer you get another question. Might even be two or three.

Stop and you'll find the answer. Keep, not-heading in the wrong direction. I can only see one path, one goal. Look no further than the step ahead of you. Stop the war now, war solves no problem at all. Thought-war will just bring you more thought-wars.

Free yourself from the wars of endless thoughts going all around you, all over you. Everywhere you open your eyes at. You are all about war. I always say if you love it that much, then why not put a ring on it and marry it.

Leave that thought-war at home, next time you visit me,

Thank You, for not bring your thought-war here.




Thought Is Life, But...?

**I speak no truths and tell no lies**

Life as we know it; Life that we call ourselves(Me), started off as a thought first. If it wasn't for the thought, you won't exist. Existence is: Knowing you're alive and having consciousness of your surrounding.

Yes I didn't say that as a mistake, a mis-understatement, or any other non-sense at all. I meant what I said above.

First, came the thought. With the thought came the meaning of "life." Also consciousness of your surrounding.

What that means is: Everyone's personal desires(value) on "What 'LIFE' means to themselves." The last is thought itself, it lets you alter your reality.

If you have no thoughts you have no concept of life. Having no concept of life means you have no thoughts and with non-thoughts that will only lead you down one road(Death). The reason for this is; Without thought, we would not have life or what life means to us in our own concept. All the knowledge we've learned during our own growth was taught to us. Therefore

Consider reading "Thoughts Of Noise" and/or "Thought-Noises" blog post, if you're not sure what I was explaining to you in the above sentences about the meaning of all thought-noise in your life has been taught to us. We only formulated new concept and meanings from all the different and many thought-noise we encounter each and every day. Most of those noises are filtered out before it even reaches our pathway of thinking. But the important ones (thought-noises that you agree to) are let into our pathway of thinking to be re-define as one of your very own meaning of existence of life.
I've notice those few pass days, things isn't the same anymore for myself; Things look different out of place for some odd reason. They lost their eye candy affects on me. I am finally able to see a bit clearer now. My own journey my very own meaning of life has finally been fulfilled; My expectation that I've always wanted I've finally achieved.
I've been studying things a bit closely lately seeing things very differently. During my traveling all about, town to town; All around and back. I've discovered something that brought me this wonderful emotion I've been feeling. The joy of this feeling is amazing, I do not have words to describe my joyful rushing of emotions. The greatest natural high, one can achieve. I've done it, I've found another part of the meaning to my "life" for myself. That is where all those great emotions are coming from. The fun and joyful emotions. Let it flow...
It was one of my many, bits of little meanings(answers) of life for myself. That above meaning is my most current event that is happening to me, in my life that gave me more insight about my own personal answer I wanted to know about for awhile now. All of us I don't care if you're a sheeple, cow, dick, beta, gama, or a dead(ok, hold a second maybe "not dead" instead?) each and everyone has goals even if you have no intelligence you still have goals like a great example of what the goals of a tree is: "To Survive, and To Breed" The tree is acting on those goals to live. When any time the tree stop any one of those goals, they will die, some death are slower then others... But the end result is with no thought there won't be life. Thought bring forth life. Consciousness bring forth meaning of "life" that will transform into a higher meaning of life for each and everyone out there.

Everything has goals in this matter, space, time filled reality we all call home.

I can say this than, by having consciousness you will have life because you where taught what life means and you. You brought that into your very own world, making it forever your own thoughts now. Even though we all know that thought-noises are not your ideas to begin with. But having your own meaning of thought-noise you brought yourself into this reality to live. This is just one part of a two part story here. But the noise coming out of you also continue onward to others or affecting the bigger picture. Once you pass this matter, space, time filled reality you enter a whole new reality that is pure energy(light). But that is another topic for another time. We are not ready to know that answer yet.. I hate to say it but "You're not ready yet." But the time will come soon, I can feel it in my heart.
Lets take us to the other side of the coin now...

Search and you will find it...,



I Speak., No Truths And Tell., No Lies -DeKn-

** I speak in fiction **

I will only tell you, what you want to know and nothing more. Isn't that what you wanted anyways? Isn't so true, indeed?

Suddenly in front of your eyes you were able to see glimpse of a little bit of static appearing for just a brief moment. Long enough for you, to register the deeper meaning to your higher mind (unconscious) what it is.

Ask yourself this: Do you really understand everything everyone is saying to you. Or; Are you not just re-interpreting what everyone is saying to you in the outside world; Back to your inside world? But instead of holding the view true, you've taken from the outside to the inside. You go ahead, and alter it to the way you want anyways.
In the process of doing so you've alter the view of that image inside yourself with your own type of interpretation of what you think that message means.
How? Can we say you yourself you only wants to see what you want to see and not what the author wants you to see. You're so scare of that special something outside of your thinking box(Skull), able to out think you; You distort the true beauty of the image in the outside world so much with your own views of the world; You even try to make that image fit your limited thinking mind, that you even call a mind to begin with. How funny is that you think you have super ability? come on; You make me laugh, you're just like a little kids. Kids with big imagination, and lots of money to buy toys for their make-believe wonderland of hopes and dreams.

I laugh at your pitiful attempt to create a world. For sure no real sane person will want to live on. Not even if they were the only person on this world(reality).

I will speak to my equals with no truth in sight.
I can never tell no-lies to any equals of mine I meet.
Forward and backward, are our's thoughts.
We will judge no equals, that have mind sets as yours.
Seek inner self and peace, will seek you out.

I speak no truth and tell, no lies. Only to the unbeliever's, will they see what they want to see(/trained to see). Why so why, is that so true so true to the core.
How? Oh how, can we do the deed, to rid our eyes of the sight we don't need...?

Wake the FUCK UP, you can't do the deed with no sight in-near. Speak the tongues., Of the words., That can wake., You from the slum., Slum of sleep. Here the words from all around and no-where, can it be found anywhere. See what will come, but wait for something that will never come. Hold on to your hopes, and dreams; That is all that you have in this wonderful dream, we call home. Home we go., Home we will be., Stay where we are safe., Safe from the space man from, OUT-ER-SPACE... have no worry, have no fear. Mighty mouse, is here to save; The Day. Free your mind, from the straps of bondage, and free it will be. To be what it wants to be.
