** I speak in fiction **
"The dream of snow falling from above; Far above, high over the mountains. Into the heaven above, the crystal dream home of my soul and mind. "
The lesson I've learned tonight was very interesting... It all started this morning when my brother called me:
So I haven't spoken to my brother for over a year now. Today out of the blue my brother calls me up and ask me if I would want to go out and eat with him for dinner. And this is when Zero's post of SAVE YOURSELF by no other then zero himself; On his blog http://zeromessiah.blogspot.com/ what he wrote there affected me by just the words alone. It is very interesting. How I see things so differently now after reading that post. Back to my story here. Normally I would say "NO" to him when he calls me and ask me if we can hang out. Tonight was different, tonight I said "YES" for the first time I took hold of what I fear(I've noticed) the fear becuase I always never or at least thought I never had anything smart to say for myself. So tonight was different I felt alive the whole night was like a dream a crystal dream that will play out like something that is very predictable.
My brother came by and saw how I was dressed, he wanted me to change because the way I was dressed didn't fit into what he want to see me in; A person that stands out because we were going to one of those fancy all you can eat Japanese restaurant. And you know what was so fake about this Japanese restaurant? it wasn't even run by Japanese people it was ran by Chinese people all the wait staff was speaking Chinese. No one was Japanese at all not even the cooks.
Back to the story so he wanted me to change my wears because I looked like a bum. He tried to insault me with that word "BUM" I remember it use to work on me before but tonight I just didn't even heard him say that at all. It was like my mind just sensor that word out.
Oh so my brother..., lets not keep calling him that and we will use his name lets call him Mrak, oh shit did I just call him by his real name? Mark I guess I did and I guess I didn't, who knows. I guess, only I would know. Any who, Mrak ask me to change and I just said "NO" didn't even gave a shit afterward about it. He even out right told me I am not dress for that type of restaurant. I didn't care I was going even if he likes it or not haha. He wanted me to dress like one of those fake rich people looking guy. That was just too bull shit for me that wasn't what I am.
We toke my car, the first thing he said to me when he sat down was, "The music is too louded" I told him in return "You're lucky this isn't loud I even have it way louder than this when I am alone in the car. Man the whole time when he got to my place and going to the restaurant he was bitching at me for everything he didn't like because I didn't fit into the hive he wanted me to be in. This is going to get even more interesting....
We got there and I looked around this place, and man it looked so fancy it looked rich haha at least that is the illusion they want to make you think it is rich therefore they can make you pay whatever price they ask haha. Because it is rich looking so they can charge you whatever they want. It was great just like what DJHives would say "It's fucken beautiful those sheeps think by dinning in a place that looks rich and charge any price they like. The sheeple thinks to themselves that they must be rich or they won't be able to come here to dine." Thats just too much for me I had to hold in my laugher it was so funny. The sheep just cracks me up sometime. Reality is funny I have to say, why oh why ..? during our dinner (the food was so bad it wasn't worth that kind of money they are charging us) my brother was trying to understand me more he was asking me all those questions maybe he was trying to do a bonding thing with me but the question he ask me was so dumb, it was what DJHives said about want-a-be rich people flashing credits everywhere. He keeps asking me questions about money and money this money that and the shit goes on like for the whole dinner. If I had just a dime each time he said that word "money" by the end of dinner, I would be rich with lots of money myself. So I pull one of those Dante_Altair experiment about bacteria on him telling him what he is. I really fuck him up with that one I was able to get him to think like me saying shit like we're just all bacteria. Man I think I really mind fuck him bad. He was confuse and stop his questionsing on me for a bit.
The questioning continue with more about money this and money that, again... So for the finial thing to shut him up big time and really fucked with his mind was. I pulled a U.G. Krishnamurti moves on him with the anti-guru guru shit on him. That I had to say did it fucked his mind up big time. I reverse all his questions back to himself. I have to say if you really want to mess anyone of those sheep up and system over load them do a U.G.Krishnamurti on them. Haha this isn't the first time I tried it I also did it on a friend at work man that fucked up his system he told me everything he said he wasn't planning to tell me after I pulled that moved on him.
Before we left the bill came and my brother was trying to pull a fast one on me he always did that before also. He tried his final attemp to say you need money this and money that. He ask me to pay for dinner. I looked that that bill and fuck it was crazy costly I did one better I told him I will pay for my dinner and he can pay for his own dinner. I pulled out a cash to pay and he pull out his credit card. That was when I couldn't hold myself back any longer and laugh because he was using credit and all that time he was saying making lots of money is what I want in my life. haha. And he said you have to use credit or you are not rich. LOL I almost died when he said that, died from laugher.... He is the next beta for some women to come by and use him like a walking ATM. Oh wait that is right, it is happening to him, his girl friend is doing that to him now haha.
Now I'm home writing this down..., what I've learned today is to pay attention to your own reality do not go in auto pilot mode like most people.
My brother Mrak thinks that because he does his job day in day out for long hours and always doing the same thing repeating himself over and over again every day even when he is at home most likely repeating the same things he does at home each and every day. The same shit cycle like all the other sheeps. But to them they think that is intelligence because they have to use their mind to do those things. Then again, when you're doing something so many times so often it becomes an auto pilot brain power action. Because I know that for a fact I drive in an auto pilot action state. I use very little mind energy when I am doing that task "driving". I told him intelligance isn't about doing the same old task over and over again. It is about how you think in moments that you need to think critically.
I wasn't on auto pilot like I normally would be, before today. Now I saw every moment for what it is and I have a choice to choose what I want; It was a fun moment tonight I felt alive. I think I really used my mind to think critically tonight.
I felt alive, alive that I am;
The feeling so intense;
The joy, "Love" the emotion,
Love felt good, and alive.
-The crystal dreams-
This is why kids eat free...
ReplyDeletePoor brother Mrak is hooked on credit.
Might as well be crack cause he dont get it.
Hes got a piece of plastic when you got the bills.
hell be payin out the ass like all the blue pills.
Have no regrets just enjoy the food.
Not the japanese but the debt ridden dude.
Look all around cause its plain to see.
That you have the cash while he parties for free.
The restaraunts fake and so is the spirit.
You gave it to your bro and I'm glad to hear it.
Don't stop now because your almost a sage.
While he'll be a slave for an idiots wage.
Forget the heart cause its all in your mind.
Release the fear and the problems you find.
The only truth to be had is a chemical.
Synthetic brain waves lead to the comical.
As far as your bro, not a tear will you weep.
Just enjoy the night when you sheared the sheep.
Could you tell us the exact UG move that you used on him.UG is so fuckin cool.
ReplyDelete^^ zero:
ReplyDeleteOh yeah for sure, I understand what you mean and I was enjoying it though. But it was so fake everything there was fake like what DJHives said many times those places is not for me any more I used to enjoy it, I even play into the illusion for awhile that was when I was living in the hive and was one of them.
^^ leon unitas:
Yeah I know UG is so fucking cool I love how he turns everyone's questions back on themselves. I basically used the one where he say "you don't really want to know the answer because you already know the answer..." That really messed him up though. But it was true in a way he really didn't want to hear my answer he wanted to get confirmation on his answer he was asking me. I also used the one where I told him that the sound of the lamps holds more meaning then what he was asking me.
I like where ug says if you have no fear you die,it helped me deal with some of my weaknesses.
ReplyDeleteYeah ,I grew past my family to,I just let them sleep now,and move on with my life.It's all they know,they can never accept the new paradigm.
Please watch the celtic rebel video on my blog or youtube,you'll like it.
Thanks Leon Unitas I will do so...
ReplyDeleteYeah I know what you mean it is sad that we cannot do anything for our family but they did choose what they choose in the beginning. They were always free to chose whatever they wanted but that is their choices now.