**I tell no lies~truths and speak no truths~lies**
Here it is, the happy Friday I've been waiting for. Had a wonderful thrilling event last night. Yes, I know I'm wrote this post after midnight, it should be happy Saturday morning and not happy Friday. Any ways lets move onward toward the review of the movie.
Today after work I've decided to go see the opening night movie for today, it would be "Angels and Demons." Interesting induction how they use Friday as an opening night thing for new movies. I like what they are doing.
Today seems longer then any other day I've worked/or slave over~. Everything abou~t~oday was moving so slowly for me.... I felt like I was trapped in a never waking dream. One worst job after the next. How can this be..., I have to say I am having a very bad day for some people in this sheeple land the day I was having would be the all time low for them. This land of de~illusional matter filled, sheeple all over; Taking up space/time/mass matter filled reality this moments. Gaining momentum more and more; For each moment as it pass us by, the passing of time; Shows the labor of us wasting our very own energy in this reality we're in.
The earliest late night showing was starting at 10:00 pm. I hesitated for just a brief moment.., I knew this will put the ending of the movie at around "the next day mark." I felt something within my souls a light of some sort, I have no words to describe it . I took the green light and went after what I imagine within my pathway of thinking to be correct for me.
The well place movie picture poster; The food stand right in front of you, calling to your mouth. That long forgotten taste of the movie~food, I was able to taste it in my mouth.., It is only distance memories in my mind now..., I was lucky tonight I had the strength I needed to resist "The calling for the movie~food." The overpriced/Chemical filled food items can be seen everywhere the eyes are looking. You're either distracted by the movie~food stands covering about 70% of the main entrance. Or get your eye candy fix with bright flashy lights they call "the game~machines" a machine made to entertain the zombie minds with pretty lights and sounds added some other magical affects they call fake challenges. Making the user of the game~machine think he has total control of things. Able to make "war" with the digital creation and become the digital hero at the end. Even with intellect you can still trap the mind by bright flashy lights and loud sounds. We all have our own weakness that has been known to them(something you can never imagine what it is) for awhile now. Flashy lights for some and mind altering thought-noises matter pills for others...
First test subject: #Going up the escalator - 2 female and 1 beta male(trying to fake alpha). First glance, nothing; Out of the ordinary. With a second closer look they were all Asians speaking our home land country language (give you one gust what that country language is?)
... Give? ... up? ... Yet? ...
And their country language isn't english if that is what you where thinking about. Try again... He was a beta and most Asian are beta by the default birth programming they are given to them by their own parents, thinking that those are the right programming and nothing else is more right then what they know. But I've noticed, like most of everyone reading this post knows that you can change the programming and the out come will change that type of person they become. I've know this because I've also change my own programming that is how I know that it works. Know yourself and change what you don't like. Move yourself to your own goals. Beta was him, in front of me playing as if he was an alpha with no alpha body language ever showing at all; Following this true master, the one giving him the order. Orders, he himself gladly will execute for her with no questions asked. No brain output of his own thoughts. Her own thought~war programming was working great.
After that brief escalator ride with our Asian friends buddy, I was off again walking toward theater number 11. I was excited to see the movie, I rushed off passing a few herds of little grouping of sheeple. Almost like little cancer cells about to break apart and spreading their thought~war programming all around. Moving swiftly across the carpeted flood with symbols of fantasy food inked into it. Another great attempt at try to attack our mind with that mental movie~food attack moves of theirs. It Worked great this time; Our three Asian friends; I've heard behind me, the lead female, order the so call alpha wanna~be to get them some pop corn and a drinks, I over heard them in their country language telling him that they want something to drink and eat now they changed their mind. The fake alpha wanna~be ran pass me to the escalator going down to the movie~food stand area.
When I got to my seat I've notice I had about 23 minute to kill before the film started.
Hearing the many herd of interactions all around the room was funny. I was able to pick up different voices all around me. A group of female laughing at my right side. I was able to separate many different herds of sheeple conversations to who they are talking to, There little herd sheeple grouping. For the very first time it was never just one big jumbo up thought-noise anymore for me. Now I am able to hear many different little thought-noises mixed together that for an untrain ear will just be one big thought-noise, also I'm able to put together all those noises to form a big jumbo~up new thought-noise if I wanted to. The room was alive; alive with life we can call it. Ready to eat up the willing and wanting... I would have to say it was a very interesting night of close up encounter of a third kind. Once the movie started all the eyes conecting to the brain were pull toward the screen giving up their personal energy level for the love of their eye candy fixes they got during the duration of the movie.
The movie was great! lots of hidden messages and many hidden in plain sight events and happenings.
I had a great time watching the many different herds of sheeples interacting(trying to, at best). giving this review a two thumbs up. Time I head off to a friends birthday party and laugh it up and kicking some shit back. -Enjoy- 'til we meet again..
Comparing the 2 books.A@D was better to me than Da Vinci.With Brown's success look for more of his type movies.He hit it at the right time,it was planned to perfection.He induced massive money from the sheeple.I'll watch it for free on the net.Hollywood has received enuff money from me.
ReplyDeleteNice sharing your thoughts on the movie A&MDs. I did liked the DiVinci Code to some extent. Guess I might like this one too? You presented the review with good thought. Good old Hollywood Scary Fun.
ReplyDeleteI reserve my thoughts because I have not seen (scene) it, lol, yet. Your review gives me some wonderful images to conjure up. Will most like wait to seet when it comes out on DVD in about 3 mobths. Thank you for your thoughtful insight.
Take Care - DarkStar888
Since we are on the topic of Angels & Demons.
ReplyDeleteHere are comments from Bryan Kemila, the author of the "IlluminatiMATRIX" (the only document you will ever need to read).
Heed these words for your own good.
Bryan Said:
"No matter what befalls the world, we MUST NOT FALL INTO A REACTIONARY SCENARIO thrust upon us by the illuminati. Don’t believe anything you see or hear from the media. Everyone (including me) is intentionally or unintentionally lying to you. These words are written using a flawed language system that lacks any perfect ability to convey the complete truth. People may ask, “How do we know you’re not working for the illuminati agenda“? The answer is simple, “I am working on their behalf. Due to the fact I am in a 3 dimensional physical body, using audible sounds and sigil magic alphabet forms to communicate my message, I am by default working and conjuring deceit. My intention, in spite of that, is to take the sound, shape and colour (as seen in my paintings on this site), and bounce them off each other in an irrational and illogical presentation, in the hope that someone may stop hearing the sounds, stop seeing the shapes and stop identifying with the colours of deceit. In other words, I don’t want you to hear the still small voice from within telling you what is true and right. I want that still small voice to SHUT UP. You already have wisdom. Wisdom doesn’t talk. Wisdom just knows. For this simple reason, when people channel entities and hear voices, it is always 100% of the time, luciferian inspired, because wisdom doesn’t have sound, shape or colour. There are no good angels, or bad angels, just luciferian light bringing thought forms we might refer to as demons."
Enjoy! - DarkStar555
LOL I knew you rode Kemila's dick hard!^
The lucifer project:starchild scene at the end is beautiful. It gave me chills of excitement when i saw the rendition.
yes I agree with you Dante, when I saw him doing what he did I was like wow, that is fucking great. The way how they plan everything was great also. I don't think it can be any better then that, scary and amaze at the same time.
ReplyDeleteDid you notice when they save that last guy from drowning in the water fountain. Didn't that remind you of the "birth" of the pope coming out of the water like the birth of a new child. I think that scene held some important meaning behind the movie.
Yes Brother DeKn,
ReplyDeleteI believe that symbolized BAPTISM BY IMMERSION.
Freemasons have a similar ritual where they are buried alive and brought back up to symbolize a re-birth. In my LDS Mormon church, I've performed similar rituals as well called BAPTISMS FOR THE DEAD. You get baptized in the temple in this pool of water. you get completely submerged in the water so that no body part is exposed to the air. and then you come back up. Its basically a ritual to, "save the dead who never had a chance to get into heaven via the gospel of god." In other words, I get baptized here on earth in the name of the dead person that is to be 'saved'. Crazy shit huh.
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ReplyDeleteFor sure Brother Dante, for sure that is some crazy shit. Oh didn't know you are a Mormon are you still? Very doubtful you are or you won't be talking about all those stuff you know if you are seems like religion really holds a person back from thinking.
Dante you a dick in real life too?
ReplyDeleteHaha. To Leon Unitas and Brother DeKn,
ReplyDeleteYes, a lot of mormonism i know today is bogus. Any religion formed by man is doomed to corruption. However, there are still things to be learned in my church. I'm an inactive member at the moment but may return to active status in the future (except this time i wont be a mindless religion zombie). My church is the only christian church that believes that its members can become gods themselves. Brother Joseph Smith was believed to be a freemason, and alot of the rituals in the church today resemble freemasonry rituals.
Like any cult, secret society or religion, the lower introductory levels of that organization will be mindless bogus shit. But once you get past those introductory levels, the real knowledge starts flowing in. In freemasonry, the first three degrees are almost completely bogus shit. But once you get past that, the rabbit hole gets deeper.
Ah I see.. thanks for your insight Brother Dante. This is the first I've ever heard of a church showing their follower that they are gods that just don't know they are gods yet. Never knew something like that existed at all. Very interesting, thanks for your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI see why the secret society and religion have this lower introductory level to drive off the ones that is here for instance knowledge. It is a good thing to have something like that at the lower level to keep the mass or the people that they don't want to move up to the top too fast. Also a way to test their trust can't give out all the secret to the newbies they might open their mouth to anyone that they come across. It seems like its a way to prove themselves to the order by abling to endure those lower level and show the leaders that they can be trusted. Trust a hard thing to earn and also easy to break in a second.