**I speak no truths and tell no lies**
Life as we know it; Life that we call ourselves(Me), started off as a thought first. If it wasn't for the thought, you won't exist. Existence is: Knowing you're alive and having consciousness of your surrounding.
Yes I didn't say that as a mistake, a mis-understatement, or any other non-sense at all. I meant what I said above.
First, came the thought. With the thought came the meaning of "life." Also consciousness of your surrounding.
What that means is: Everyone's personal desires(value) on "What 'LIFE' means to themselves." The last is thought itself, it lets you alter your reality.
If you have no thoughts you have no concept of life. Having no concept of life means you have no thoughts and with non-thoughts that will only lead you down one road(Death). The reason for this is; Without thought, we would not have life or what life means to us in our own concept. All the knowledge we've learned during our own growth was taught to us. Therefore
Consider reading "Thoughts Of Noise" and/or "Thought-Noises" blog post, if you're not sure what I was explaining to you in the above sentences about the meaning of all thought-noise in your life has been taught to us. We only formulated new concept and meanings from all the different and many thought-noise we encounter each and every day. Most of those noises are filtered out before it even reaches our pathway of thinking. But the important ones (thought-noises that you agree to) are let into our pathway of thinking to be re-define as one of your very own meaning of existence of life.
I've notice those few pass days, things isn't the same anymore for myself; Things look different out of place for some odd reason. They lost their eye candy affects on me. I am finally able to see a bit clearer now. My own journey my very own meaning of life has finally been fulfilled; My expectation that I've always wanted I've finally achieved.
I've been studying things a bit closely lately seeing things very differently. During my traveling all about, town to town; All around and back. I've discovered something that brought me this wonderful emotion I've been feeling. The joy of this feeling is amazing, I do not have words to describe my joyful rushing of emotions. The greatest natural high, one can achieve. I've done it, I've found another part of the meaning to my "life" for myself. That is where all those great emotions are coming from. The fun and joyful emotions. Let it flow...
It was one of my many, bits of little meanings(answers) of life for myself. That above meaning is my most current event that is happening to me, in my life that gave me more insight about my own personal answer I wanted to know about for awhile now. All of us I don't care if you're a sheeple, cow, dick, beta, gama, or a dead(ok, hold a second maybe "not dead" instead?) each and everyone has goals even if you have no intelligence you still have goals like a great example of what the goals of a tree is: "To Survive, and To Breed" The tree is acting on those goals to live. When any time the tree stop any one of those goals, they will die, some death are slower then others... But the end result is with no thought there won't be life. Thought bring forth life. Consciousness bring forth meaning of "life" that will transform into a higher meaning of life for each and everyone out there.
Everything has goals in this matter, space, time filled reality we all call home.
I can say this than, by having consciousness you will have life because you where taught what life means and you. You brought that into your very own world, making it forever your own thoughts now. Even though we all know that thought-noises are not your ideas to begin with. But having your own meaning of thought-noise you brought yourself into this reality to live. This is just one part of a two part story here. But the noise coming out of you also continue onward to others or affecting the bigger picture. Once you pass this matter, space, time filled reality you enter a whole new reality that is pure energy(light). But that is another topic for another time. We are not ready to know that answer yet.. I hate to say it but "You're not ready yet." But the time will come soon, I can feel it in my heart..
Lets take us to the other side of the coin now...
Search and you will find it...,
Hi DeKn:Dr.Jekll,
ReplyDeleteSince we posted the following "comments" on Zero's Blog about this very topic, I thought to share the comments here as well. Hope you don't mind? Thank you again for your thoughts. They are appreciated.
- DarkStar888
DarkStar888 said...
DeKn:Mr.Hyde- SAID:
“Death of a life just means one thing, that is: Creating non-thoughts, but what it really should be doing is creating thoughts not creating non-thoughts. That will only lead to one thing and that would be the death of the living matter. Have you ever wonder how I came to this conclusion?”
WTF? You’re kidding me right?
Here I’ll help with your thought delusions. Please listen closely. This whole World you call life, the “Big Universe” we all live in…is literally a 3D illusion created from thought. Yes thought! It’s fake, all of it! Doesn’t exist! Even the so called laws of nature some seem to revere is, yup, you guessed it…that’s made up too.
Don’t speak in terms of duality. Be one with yourself, be one with everyone, everything and nothing. It is our origin and our state of complete and total Wisdom. Therefore to think you can go in to a so-called-pure-energy-state in this Universe is nonsense. You don’t remain in this Universe when you die.
Read the explanation on thought below. Maybe you’ll understand my point better after you have read it. Don’t judge the information. Just let it sink in. See if you get this?
Thoughts Are Always Lies...
Thoughts are always lies. Thoughts are words, words are sounds when communicating the thought. We know we have a thought, or word implanted in our mind because sound vibrates. Sounds vibrate, vibration is energy, energy glows, and glowing is light. Thoughts are therefore, LIGHT, and light is an illusion, able to be manipulated by the simplest of thoughts. In other words, since everything 3D is simply a THOUGHT, then changing that THOUGHT through subliminal messaging will create a new 3D illusory world for anyone receiving the new implanted THOUGHT FORMS.
Subliminal Messages Are Thoughts - Which Are Lies...
“Thoughts appear to make sense and relate to reality, sort of. This is why they’re subliminal. A subliminal is a message that does not rise above conscious threshold. A subliminal is designed to act on the mind at a subconscious level. That’s why the information on this site seems to almost make sense, but not quite. The 3D world is one huge subliminal. The luciferian mindset has manipulated the suggestible elite of the world to do whatever it requires to be done. If subliminal messaging were rational and able to be recognized on the conscious level, it wouldn’t be subliminal. We would never pay attention to it, and humanity would ignore this illusory 3D experience and stay connected to wisdom through awareness. The 3D illusion would then simply dissolve, or become of none importance or relevance.
For instance, if someone consciously told you to kill someone, you wouldn’t do it. That just doesn’t make rational sense. However, if someone says this is the law, “thou shalt not kill”. The subliminal message is this: if you really want to get even with someone or with society, then commit murder. The idea is just suggested in the phrasing, coupled with the fact this is the law of the land. Therefore, the way to stop killing, war, murder, and any kind of aggressive bloodshed is TO NOT HAVE A LAW AGAINST IT. It is apparent society is over-burdened with laws, and in turn, over-run with killing, corruption, lying, hatred, etc. There are laws against all these things and therefore, these things abound because of the subliminal message attached.
The 3 dimensional illusion is CREATED BY THE THOUGHT PROCESS. Thinking is not being aware. Thinking is that thing any conscious being APPEARS TO DO to attempt to manipulate the future, or relive the pain/pleasure from the past. Both these time zones, the future and the past, do not exist. Therefore, thinking about them to manipulate them is a deception. However, to consider what is happening in this moment is not called thinking. Staying in the moment and meeting the needs of the moment is awareness of the 3 dimensional space, albeit, an illusory space. To function within this 3D space requires that needs be met. Reality, and our true eternal wisdom state, extends beyond the 3D illusory forms, and that wisdom state simply knows everything through awareness, ALREADY. Our eternal wisdom state knows the manipulation process of the luciferian egregore group of thinkers. Wisdom knows that this luciferian group plays god and plays the devil. Both of which are none existent. Wisdom, through awareness, sees how this group mindset bands together to manifest the reality they want all humanity to follow.
The luciferian entity is the fabricated creator god. In creating this illusory 3D reality using subliminal, subconscious messaging, this group entity conjured up and controls all power and energy, and in turn, the reverent respect of their illusory master creation called humanity. This adoration by humanity gives the luciferian group and their chosen elite the riches and servitude of this world and ABSOLUTE CONTROL OF THE ETERNAL PARADISE STATE. Because they, themselves, chose thinking and lying above awareness and wisdom, this 3D illusion is their reality. However, it is a reality fragmented, corrupted and filled with all manner of duality. They see this reality as superior to the reality of wisdom. Wisdom does not exhibit 3D manipulation through shape, colour or sound, so ultimately, wisdom is a reality of peace.
Wisdom knows this. Wisdom is not thinking about how to manipulate affairs so that events work out in its favour. Wisdom performs none of this. Wisdom just knows that we are being manipulated. To stay connected to wisdom through awareness, we need simply to stay in the moment. This involves doing NOTHING. This involves NO PRAYERS, NO MEDITATION, NO MANTRAS, NO RITUALS, NO JOINING,… NO THING. All practices, be they MEDITATIVE or PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES, are exercises in remaining OUT OF THE ONE ETERNAL MOMENT. This is not to say that meditating is bad or wrong, just as physical activity is not bad or wrong. On this site it will be repeated many times, that there is no such thing as good or bad, or right or wrong. However, these exercises avail no benefit in reconnecting to the wisdom state. Only emotional detachment, which is to place NO REAL WORTH or REAL VALUE in anything 3 dimensional, is true reconnection to reality.”
Do you get it? Take care my friends. – DarkStar888
May 15, 2009 9:06 AM
DeKn:EW said...
Thank you, DarkStar888. I will take what you said tonight I still am not finish reading your whole comment I am a bit tired now and will sleep soon. I will give it a full read tomorrow morning.
May 16, 2009 12:06 AM
DarkStar888 said...
Thank you DeKn:EW for your thoughts on the topic. My intent was not to be hard on you but to assist you in finding some truth.
I don't believe in any of the abusive tactics I see at the Hive Blog. There is no "Original Thought" as Hives keeps trying to have everyone make believe. So they sit around his little Luciferian mind-fucked flock, making up shit to deceive themselves & confuse people & say its original thought. What a crock-of-shit that is.
Know that everything is already know, everything. Think of knowledge & wisdom as a remembering or discovery of lost information. So how can there be "Original Thought" if all is known? Well, it could be said that if you are the first one to think of it & say it before anyone else, I guess you could say it was original. But since it all comes from "wisdom” then it’s not! Confused? Just look at the truth, not the rhetoric & bullshit.
Comments should state truth not opinion. Let me know if I can be of any help. Take care. - DarkStar888
May 16, 2009 2:08 AM
DeKn:EW said...
I welcome others to be hard on me. How am I going to learn, if I get no feed back on matters I throw out there to this 3D world filled reality we call home. If I ever had any fear or doubts I would of not started my own blog or even write anything on another person's blog. I like how you see things through your eyes. The ideas you hold is excellent It is so true what you've said, I for one will take that information into my pathway of thinking. Incorporate and merge your ideas with mine.
Thanks again...,
Thanks for your insight...,
Thanks for your knowledge...,
Thanks again.
May 16, 2009 12:33 PM
DarkStar888 said...
Your welcome brother DeKn:EW. You're a brave soul, a good soul...I can see that. Keep up the good work.
You learned because you have read material, listened, experienced and didn't judge. You got it. That's all we are hear for. To learn & experience.
When you are really ready to open your mind, you'll move from knowledge to wisdom...that's profound.
We can have some chats. I'll vist your blogs. Been there but I'd like to see your growth.
Take care - Darkstar888
ReplyDeleteDeKn:EW said...
"I welcome others to be hard on me. How am I going to learn, if I get no feed back on matters I throw out there to this 3D world filled reality we call home."
1st - keep in mind, the mind, is not yours, not ours or not mine anyway. That's why it's called "the mind".
2nd - we seem to live in a 3D illusionary world or matrix, made of light (force fields & photons) you called Home. But is it Home?
Listen carefully, we, this world, your pain & suffering, your joy, religion, leaders, Royals, Presidents, laws, countries, science, gold, knowledge, nature, stars, universe, duality, Luciferian thought, elite, god, no god, may be god, George Carlin, on & on, and fucking etc. It, this place you call home, does not EXIST! Period!
It's all made up, all-of-it! Just for us to experience without knowing shit. Every fucking bit of it is FAKE! No right no wrong, no good, no evil, no trees, no dogs, just...just a fucked up sick or wonderful illusion, fakery, not really here type stuff! How much clearer do I need to BE?
That is why it's called a "3D Illusion". It's not real. It's meant to distract you from the truth of who we or you are...etc. You know what I mean.
This is a big time, take responsibility, for your own journey of self discovery, for real! Find out who you are, who or what is mankind, why we are here & for what purpose? If there is such a purpose?
To know, to be free, to be awake, to be aware, watch, wait, don't react, to be and to help the best I can. That is my purpose! What's yours?
This has all been hidden from us, all of us, or most of us anyway. So, therefore it truly isn't our home. See?
The true question then is...where is our home?
The answer is, it is...nothing, not light but dark, nothingness, in the black or darkness, in non-thought, in the all knowing, in oneness, in everything & nothing, no time, no space, no illusion, only the one, all of us as "one divine eternal being". A being that created us, all of mankind, our universe from...thought! At death we go back to paradise, to non-thought, eternal life and wisdom. Sounds nice doesn’t it? Well that’s what this 3D Illusion hides from mankind.
"Holy Shit, Batman!" This is a beautiful and profound concept, isn't it?
This doesn't require a response. Just think about it or not!
I'll talk more about this topic again soon and in much greater detail on Dark Star.
Thank you for reading.
It's my pleasure to serve.
Enjoy! - DarkStar999