**I tell no truths and speak no lies**
May I ask you blog readers something?
Ok, I guess your silence means I will ask away then.
Never have I seen so many thought-wars in the real world.
Everyone is in a constant thought-war with the next person.
You always think your thinking is better then the next person's.
Rather fighting with someone, try to see from inside their own shadow.
Understand your own fight. Why is it that sheeple fight in herds? But by themselves they're lame?
Look around you and you will all see "wars" that is all about you. All around you. Everywhere and anywhere.
Everyone wake up and look.
Nothing is there but wars on top of wars.
On top of everything, you; Yourself is also at war with many things right now.
That is how, they kept your mind busy, by making it fight wars of not-hing....,
think about it, everyone. You're all fighting a Thought-War and this war doesn't end, it's an on going never ending task list; Once you find your answer you get another question. Might even be two or three.
Stop and you'll find the answer. Keep, not-heading in the wrong direction. I can only see one path, one goal. Look no further than the step ahead of you. Stop the war now, war solves no problem at all. Thought-war will just bring you more thought-wars.
Free yourself from the wars of endless thoughts going all around you, all over you. Everywhere you open your eyes at. You are all about war. I always say if you love it that much, then why not put a ring on it and marry it.
Leave that thought-war at home, next time you visit me,
Thank You, for not bring your thought-war here.
thought is life, life is war, war is gain which drives the whole universe. you can see it in the animal kingdom they kill each other for survival and gain.
ReplyDeleteThe reason is that all the creatures are in need, In need of what is missing, and what is missing is The Source which was cut away from us.
You see, When you apply voltage to the collector (source) of a amplifier transistor a current is created, that current is manipulated from a much smaller voltage (master of manipulation) at the base, this with some loss in the form of heat, and that heat is the base of the whole manipulation process (life experience)
Part of the source energy is lost in the form of heat by manipulation, giving a different output than the original source voltage.
please send me your email to RitmoXL@gmail.com
dekn, sir, he makes you look like a saint. you give us free knowledge. we love you for it. you are like a father. you don't withhold knowledge from others. you are benevolent. you don't make us beg for private invitations to your blog. you understand that knowledge should be freely accessed by anyone who wants it. you also know that not everyone who comes across the knowledge will understand it and use it, therefore, there is no need to hide it.
dante started off claiming that djhives' knowledge was more restricted because he deletes, blocks and bans people's posts. dante claimed to have an edge of tolerance to his blog. lol. guess what happened? he started deleting people's posts and dictating. his blog is now PRIVATE.
ROFLMAO. dante, you are an hypocrite. atleast djhives is a man of truth, he keeps his words. we love you still, dante. calm down. open the blog for all of us.
Dante I've sent you my email address to that email address above.
ReplyDeleteLadyAnon, I never knew you care so much; Thank you for the great comment. You're funny sometime, keep that positive emotion up, I like it very much it fits you well.
Carlosanto, yes most if not even all interaction is just another form of war. But one has to watch out though some war is like a loop programming it causes your computer brain loop the same program over and over again. Never really going anywhere but having the illusion that s/he think they are going some place. Watch out for those thought~wars that are programmed to keep you in an endless loop keeping your computer~brain busy. Busy enough that you cannot think of anything else. Interesting way of thinking about that idea.
I like your writings Dekn
ReplyDeletelife and death are in the same spectrum... they both play a roll just like positive (life) and negative (death) in a battery or as shown in a sinewave,
the positive as well as the negative forms a system.
the only way out of the system is... OUT
as I mentioned it in my post "BRAKE IT DOWN"
When the government declares a war on drugs, they just want another war.
ReplyDeleteWars on ideaologies do not work. Therefore as long as there is history we always fight the wars of our forefathers.
We are programmed by a past we no longer are in touch with. Let go, breathe, understand the light and release.
Easy to understand the words but really do we really understand the meaning behind the words. Seen many agreeable people all over reality I travel but do they really understand what they agree to, or have they all just been program to think they think they understand. Words hold so little power and the flip side of the coin holds so much hidden power.
Well said DeKn:EW. I like the idea of non-games and hidden power stuff. So ture isn't it? It's called a 3D Illusion or Kaballistic mind fuck. A way of saying Hypnosis or Brainwashing and total control of the Matrix, a favorite tool of the Luciferian Mind Set.
ReplyDeleteNice Blog by the way. :)
- DarkStar888
Thanks DarkStar888, I also like the way you view things. Have you ever taken a look into U.G. Krishnamurti works or his video I mean. Some of the things said is like what he also is saying to his followers. Of course he also has some way out there in the world views of things too.
ReplyDeleteSo I wonder if anyone caught the hidden message in this blog post "thought-war" or even the hidden message for the post I posted in Zero's blog site. "Time2Fight or Flight4You" no one said anything about it.. guess either two thing they saw it and don't care of didn't see it and don't care haha.
ReplyDeleteInteresting that you should mention U.G. Krishnamurti. I have listen to him, years ago.
-DeKn- Said:
"Some of the things said is like what he also is saying to his followers."
One of the things I seem to remember about Krishnamurti is that he told his followers to go their own path & not the path of another man's or a relgion or any man made belief.
He knew enough to ask his followers to disban his Order called "Order of the Star" or something like. He felt people can find their own path, which may be different getting there but in the end, the result is always the same for all of us...once you realize you have the power within you.
Nice man he was. Cool. See we have common ground. No suprise. :)
- DarkStar888
It is also very funny that he keeps telling his follower to not ask that question they keep asking him and go out and experience what the question they want answer to instead. For some odd reason people want to know all the answer first before they go out and experience the event or even to the case of not wanting the experience and just want someone to give them the answer almost like how everyone in this world wants instance gratification and not wanting to work the hard way to find the answer just want it NOW sort of speaking. Like if I have a pain just take a pill to fix my problem right now. But instead of taking just a pill shouldn't they find out what is causing the pain so you can fix it once and for all.
Correct. By taking an asprin, you treat the pain or symtom of the problem. Focus on the problem to correct it or heal the disease (Dis-Ease. The symtom...the pain goes away. You don't need any asprin.
That is the flaw I've noticed in Intelligence they want to know everything first before even going out and trying to experience it. They feel that they don't want to fail or it will cause their ego to break a little. That is the flaw I've noticed it has happen to me a few times already. I try not to gather too much info before I go out and experience the event. Now I will even go and fail an event just to learn from it. Holding back the ego is a hard thought to do. The ego really don't want to let go of its power it has over your mind.
You said that well DeKn. Ego is our biggest PAIN & there is no asprin for it!
ReplyDeleteFailure is good by the way. Look at Thomas Edison. He failed thousands of times when he had not yet completed the light blub with a successful working filament.
He was once asked my the news media.... "So, Mr. Edison, what will you do now that you have failed a thousand times and your light bulb doesn't work? He said :Fail, I didn't fail yet. I've have only tried a thousand experiemnets that didn't work."
Failure was not an oprtion for Edison. He didn't view it as falure but instead, an opportunity to learn.
I agree with you DarkStar888 for sure failure shouldn't even compute for us. But I think that is the grand picture here. Whoever it is that has the power in this world doesn't want us to know that failure is just learning but some how they link failure to fear and for that reason people doesn't want to go out and fail they want to be a master first before they even go out and do the act. That is a big failure really. Reprogramming myself to think other wise is getting result but some days I still feel the fear. haha
ReplyDeleteTrust me when I say it gets better with experience. I became aware over 40 years ago. Yes I'm an old fuck. Let me share this with you.
I didn't use my skills to my best ability for a long time back then, expect for working hard & making 100k a year. Bought a house, cars, had kids, dogs, etc. But I knew lots about shit that other people didn't see or realize. Yes it was very odd trying to explain things to people but they didn't understand & for the most part, a waste of my time. So I just sat back & watched mostly.
Had many great experiences in my life. Few regrets.
I will honestly say that I worry about almost nothing now, make less money, much happier & the big thing is, I'm truly learning to live without FEAR. No fear of death or any man or woman, including the Illuminati...lol
A tough nut to crack, fear it is, but it can be done. You real have to get rid of ego as much as possible, it's the key. Meditation is very good too.
Take Care
You are only as old as you think you are. I think I am still in my 20's even though I am not :(
ReplyDeleteYes so true though the ego is the holder backer here I've been trying to hold back my ego in many cases. I will have to try meditation one day just haven't found any good free ones out there. Or even found anyone that is able to teach me this. I will keep an eye open might come by someone that might know. Who knows...
It is sad to see everyone in constance fear all there life. I see that also in my family memebers the fear that is eating them up. Too late to help them of course because first they will have to be willing to helpselves first and that doesn't seem like that is happening anytime soon.
Here you go DeKn. Stuart Wilde is very good. There is more information on Nwohere (Nothing's Blog)
ReplyDeleteHope this helps.
The Art of Meditation by Stuart Wilde on Audio CD's
Stuart Wilde reveals the benefits you can derive from generating theta and delta waves during meditation. This program shows you how you can listen to the metronome sounds to explore the astounding areas of brain-wave activity on a regular basis. The full CD Audio set at Stuart Wilde's site is listed here.
You can download his 2 hour 14 minute program through a very inexpensively location on the web. Click on the main title of this post to link you to the site.
Publisher's Summary
"In this one-of-a-kind audio program, transformational author Stuart Wilde discusses the many benefits of meditation, metronomes, and the mysterious world of the trance state. Scientific experimentation using EEG machines has proven conclusively that brain-wave activity is affected by sound. When listening to a metronome that is set at theta, for example (four cycles per second), the brain automatically begins to adjust to the same rhythm. Using these metronomes, you can enter effortlessly, without any previous experience, into altered states of consciousness used by mystics and yogis. Journey through the fascinating world of inner space, tapping the immense power and rich pageantry that lies hidden in the subconscious and even beyond."
The meditation method being taught here intreques me greatly. I believe I'll give this a try my friends. I'll let you know how it works out. Good luck with whatever you try as well. - DarkStar888