** I speak in fiction **
The dis-connection of our soul(emotions) from our mind, what has cause this to happen? At one point of our very own evolution somehow, somewhere we disconnected ourselves from our soul that was part of our mind. Working together as one helping each other to see the world that was in front of us. But now it has become two entity within our own body. Fighting each other for the rights to rule. Never again working as one.
Depending on your own dis-connection of reality one can be either light years apart from your own soul and mind, or you could just be a few steps away from each other; Even an arms length away. It varies from Person2Person. But how did that came about? how did our soul that was together at one point now distance from each other?
Was it the change that happened in our reality while growing up, that cause our soul to part from our mind? did we somehow learned to unlearned what was given to us in birth to be able to work as one with our soul and our mind. We were taught to not trust our soul and only reason with our mind early in our childhood development forever cutting off the link between the two from working together. We cannot place blame on our guardians for teaching us to unlearn what we were given at birth naturally. How do the teacher know, that he/she is teaching a student something that is wrong. If he/she doesn't even know that they are teaching the wrong idea to the student to start with. We know now, how we got taught to unlearn that was given to us at birth. Breaking the link of the soul(emotions) from our mind.
But now, how are we going to figure out a way to connect the two back together. Making the two pieces becoming one. Working together hand in hand again. This road isn't an easy journey learning to work together again. The longer you've been dis-connected from your soul the harder the journey ahead will become but the reward at the end of the road is worth more then a mountain of gold. Once you've connect the two pieces together again. Trust the soul(emotions) as a guide to your inner thoughts. Use it to guide you in your path through life, by making key points what different soul(emotions) means to you.
For Example: fear, in the face of doing something new to further your journey in life. That might mean to you, to be careful of the road ahead of you. Keeping all eyes open for opportunity and short cuts to get to your destination, proceed slowly if you have to but do not run away from what you are set out to do. Try it out, you might succeed. Also remember failure also doesn't mean you cannot learn something valuable from it.
Now you know, how to use fear as a guide for yourself try to map the rest of the other soul(emotions) you also feel. It will take time for you to be able to get them right for yourselves. Might have to try a few times before you get them mapped. Each one of those soul(emotions) will have different meaning for each and everyone of you. The road to the connection of the soul(emotions) and our mind as begun. The journey will take you to a lot of different places in your life. Congratulation, you've taken your very first step toward working together as one; The Soul and the Mind will make the difference.
if you are a student of nature, you should know that it cares not about the soul. how many women's souls have you hurt in your quest for pussy? don't make me laugh. or is it only your soul that matters? grow up. you helped your mind disconnect from your soul. there is no time for emotions from men of your kind. let it go.
ReplyDeleteLady Anon, they let themselves be hurt. Do not stand up for the victim, stand up for the victor. Those with the knowledge to take advantage of the weak remain strong.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the soul you said yourself numerous times that you havent had sex, and that comes from fear. Let us put this issue to bed once and for all.
Until you fuck, you have no buisness speaking of such things. You are simply not willing to fish and that bothers me. Life is fair Lady A. Sex is fair.
Like any advocate of abstinence will tell you sex is a choice. Those women made that choice, it is their fault, stop feeling sorry for them when even you have claimed a disdain for the traits of your own gender.
Like the bubbletards with the false hope of credit, they believed in the free ride called love. The reality was that they were having sex with a man who only wanted the sex. It was their fault for imposing their ideals on the men in the first place. Are they victims or are they ignorant fools? Logic will set you free when it comes to this concept.
There is no time for emotions from WOMEN of your kind. So please, let it go.
zero, i'm not standing up for the victim. i'm simply pointing it out that just as insignificant the souls of the victims are, so is that of the victor. what you and dekn are implying is that only the victor's soul matters and it longs to reconnect with the mind. i say no. both souls matter not to nature. don't even start your selective metaphysics with me.
ReplyDeleteyes, i haven't had sex because i have fears of diseases and a hurt soul. but i will have sex if i meet a man i connect with, shows kindness to me, and proves he can keep himself disease free. if i never meet him, i guess i'll die a virgin. is that an ideal i'm placing on men? a delusion of love? i think not. it makes logical sense to me.
i don't feel sorry for the bitches. they've set themselves up to be played. i know what i want in a man, and it's more than sex (btw not money). that's why i don't fuck because i know sex is what most men want from me. logic already set me free.
^ You sound like the woman test subject in my, "Project:Fucky Sucky"
ReplyDeleteVery interesting idea Lady Anon, what you thought about my post. When I wrote it I had nothing to do with what you thought it was about. About me trying to hurt people's souls, but it is a very interesting way of seeing what I wrote though. I will have to re-read my own post and apply your thinking (filter) into it and see if I see the same thing. In my post I was just speaking about how we are out of touch with our emotions (feeling) it has been dis-connected from us we repress it for logic. We are always at war with the mind and the emotion(soul) metaphorically speaking soul in my post means emotion (feeling e.g. like fear you feel, hate, anger, joy, and many more...) not the soul as you think it means. I was trying to do some creative writing that is. And also haven't you notice when I am speaking from my mind and heart I always write at the top of the post "I speaking in fiction" why are you even aguring with me on fictional work? anyways no point for me to argue about fiction or non-fiction.
ReplyDeleteLets move on...
What I was trying to convey here is to show others on how to understand how to work together with their own emotion instead of letting it take over or letting logic take over. Working as one with yourself will get you further using the emotion like a stepping stone to guide you to the right path. I've been applying this to my own life and it has been working very well for me I just wanted to share that to everyone. Help people understand themselves and grow.
dante, i might sound like the women in your project fucky sucky but unlike them, i can not fuck a vampire like you. you're joking. i'd give you a run for your money. you've no idea how many men have tried me and failed. i might not yet have evolved to the status of a victor (pimptress) but i've never descended to the level of stupidity as that of a victim either. neither victor nor victim. you're talking to a 26 yr old virgin, remember? i haven't tested myself because i'm reluctant to exploit (fish) men. i'm trying to understand why though. is it fear? maybe i don't know how? i think it's a combination of both. i'm working on myself. we aren't all on the same level.
dekn, i meant soul as you meant it, emotions and feelings. infact, i liked your definition and was in awe at your post. it is the most logical and simplified version i've ever heard. it makes lots of sense for someone like me who does not believe in "souls" like most people understand them. it's a belated explaination for you already misunderstood me.
i've read your post again and there is a difference in my perception this time.
what you are saying is that we should use our emotions as a guide to the right path (become predators) and at the same time suppress and ignore those that will lead us to damnation (being prey). that we should ONLY use our emotions to our benefits and nothing more.
it took me a while to get there but i agree.
Yes, you got it Lady Anon. I know it takes time for some people just because we are not on the same level like you have said many times. Even myself I've said that too. Everyone is always at different level from each other. Look at Hive or Zero they are way higher in level then I am even Dante is higher in level. But you see, you should never compare youself to others, the mistake most people do is just that compare themselves to another person that just going to spell out "Failure" because you are not at their level at that moment. You should always judge yourself to yourself. That is the best judgement one can do. Most of the time you will see improvement to your own self from year to year. If I look at myself a year ago I would say I am totally different now I know I am at a higher level then a year ago.
ReplyDeleteMy blog was never created to tell people off Like what Hive does with sheeple. I will not wake them up of course because that is just a waste of my own energy. Hive and others in my life has shown me this. Plus they will fight you if you try to wake them up from their sleep. I will show them the door for them to walk through if they want to. It is a choice they have to make if they want to rise to the next level. Some people are happy at the current level they are at and will not want to move some will want to push themselves a lot. Everyone has their own drive.
Good words DeKn. Hives is an unfortunate case where, at times, his emotions get the most of him. Before his blog, he was fighting off morans left and right. Now his post traumatic stress disorder from this has caused him to limit himself and throw away new knowledge left and right. Apparently he is comfortable at his level, which is high to say the least, but his emotions limit or halter his progress.
ReplyDeletethe poor guy even had a go at me because he thought i was 'Jones'ing on him lol.
It is very sad to see this. But where one person fails, another sees an opportunity to succeed.
It is hard to put logic to emotion that could be why man have never been able to figure the emotional aspect of ourselves out and even if they did trying to explain that is like talking in another language. We have no language for this random act that we do when strong emotion takes over everything that is logic goes out the window. I've seen it many many times from people. Women in general think in emotion a lot that is why it is hard to talk to women on a logical level. They were build to handle emotion over logic. The emotional level isn't deep like what man will experiance that is why women do not make a big deal of things when they go emotional crazy one minute and the next they are back in reality. They do not see that as any problem. That is why most man cannot understand how a women think. Emotion is random and uncontrolable if it gets very strong only the very strong are able to control it. Even myself when it comes to strong emotion I would lose my control.