Why is it so hard to let go of something that has been lost? Even with all the trainning we've been given it's still very hard to just lock up that emptiness you can feel inside yourself. Is it because we are a very social animals we live together in a big city close to one another. And even when we don't we have pets as companions. To take someone away from that social setting is almost like ripping their heart out. If that is the case why on earth is there so many anti-social programming out there in this world? Or is it ..., we just want to feel like we belong somewhere so we stick with our own kind. We feel safe in huge numbers. But was that a trainning a programming of some sort? Just like we all long for a soul mate some of us are just able to hold that emotion back and some just can't do it at all and go after anything that comes by.
The real question is are we just feeding off the emotion we get as a hit, and when the dealer stop giving out the hit we just feel like a crash of some sort the emptiness we feel all around us. Is just a crash from not having any more of the goodie drugs 'the emotion' we felt when we belong somewhere not worrying about anything because we felt safe, because we had our Daddy or Mommy protecting us from the monster under our bed. Is there a way to harness this wasted energy from our soul? maybe even use it to help us push ahead to what we always dreamt we wanted for ourselves.
A way to use this wasted energy. Maybe you can try to transform it to another form of energy I've been able to do that now and than. But it never always worked 100% I've noticed the very strong emotion was the harder to alter. I've even try to place on top of the existing emotion with other emotion and stacking the emotion on top of each other, first with one emotion then I would try to stack another one on top of that one until the emotion I didn't wanted faded. Or other times I would use the emotion as a way to push myself to move onward to do what I needed to do to get out of the current situation I didn't like. That also worked for me and I found anger was the best motivator for me to push myself forward. I've also noticed the positive emotion helped me think better. The negative ones was a good pusher (push me to do something to change my way) or motivator for me.
Try to map your own emotion and used that energy for something better. instead of wasting it. be as one with your intellect and emotion. Do not try to fight one or the other the out come will just get you no where I've been there done that got the t-shirt for it. Now my next goal is trying to be able to do this at will without having to let the emotion naturally happen be able to call forth which ever emotion pleases me. That is another step of my life I will have to figure out how to do it.
This is why I now say be your own boss.
ReplyDeleteYou were never a slave to emotion.
Your time and energy we're harnessed.
I'm actually starting my own hydroponics buisness that I will feature links for in a few months.
Keep up the blog, your next step is here. You are a good writer, and humble to. Something to keep a good handle on your ego.
Your blog is a gift. Simple as that.
We have to listen to our emotions, but we do not have to let them control us! When I feel anger, or hatred, or even despair, I try to calm down and control the emotions. These emotions that make you feel twisted inside, they have no use for me. I remember this scientist that showed how emotions and thoughts can influence the structure of water! Yes that's right, the structure of the molecules changed as a monk put tags on the bottles with words such as Hate, Love, etc
ReplyDeleteWater is the most receptive substance! 70% of our body is water... Something to think about
Thanks Zero, I would of never have done anything like this, taking the next step to the next level if it wasn't for DJHives blog going down it is like a blessing(what I took away from all this. If DJHives is reading my reply I say 'Thanks DJHives'.) the only way to read any problem is see the advantages it gave me not what I lost but what I gain from it all. We were all hooked addicted to the drug "information" that was fed to us when that drug stopped we all crashed in a sense.
ReplyDeleteSweet hydroponics hope it works out great for you. I have some stuff in mind to create my own so I can grow food inside away from the chem trails I will do a lot of hack jobs at first but I will figure it out.
^^ Wesley Casteleyn: I see yes ... but why try to fight something even though it is anger or hate... I've figure out how to use those emotion to my advantage and I've notice the negative emotion is a great factor that will push me to drive myself harder to do harder. And the positive emotion is a great factor to help me think. This is what I've been doing lately trying to used them to my adventage Maybe for me I'm able to do it someone easy but for other maybe they haven't reach the level that is needed to do something like this.
ReplyDeleteThat is why I wrote this post above to maybe be able to shed some light on the matter and see if I can get others to think that those emotion isn't bad or good but a form of energy that you can also use to help you through your learning and growth. Also hopefully maybe someone else has figure it out and know how to control it 100% so they can share on the idea how they do it so I can also control it at 100% I currently only able to do this 60% of the time.