** I speak in fiction **
We've been saying "Is the Pen mightier then the Sword" I know you think this is another post about the old saying... But you might be a little surprise for this post, is like NO other post you've seen before. And if you have seen it before then I would love to hear your inputs on this subject matter with me then.
"Share some of your lights with me..."
My question for tonight isn't about "Is the Pen Mightier Then the Sword?"
No it isn't about that topic, but it is about "Who is the sword?"
"How did it come about"
One day, I thought about how did the sword came about ...
My impressions of the sword is "the people around us looking at this post" Are you still with me here?
"We the People" is the sword for the elites. They hold the pen and we hold the sword. Don't you all see that?
Wake up and look around you..., see the truth... look at our culture. See how the smart is always the bad guys.
We love fighting
Death in a lot of things
Gore and lots of it
We The People = fighting is Smarter / thinking is Weak
The list goes on, but you can see it for what it is...
It is the trainning manual for how to make "We The People" into the sword for the mighty. There is always only the choice of on/off I/O Open/Close Full/EmptyFarmer/Cow
That is also how the elite see things you're either with the Earth or you are with the Humons
That could be why the road to Elitism is so hard. They want to make sure you really want what you wish for. So they made it hard to get there, but when you do...; Everything is but just a dream away, now.
Every journey will take you to new places that is only if and only if you want to go. No one can ever tell you what to do, but they can give you hints on things to do. Like me posting this article for your reading pleasure and enjoyment. I am only giving you hints on what to think about...? But, it's still up to you to take it.
We go to war for the elite look at the wars we are in now... there is many throughout the world everywhere if you think about it. Not just the major ones you..., you know the ones that is getting the most TV coverage right now is the biggest ones. So watch for TV for the upcoming events. What can that be? Anyone want to Guess? Chem trail? (nah can't be that it's just too easy..., nah can't be) Something is happening just open your eyes wide and you will see everything for the truth.
We are the robots that works for them, in the factory call a job. Like the sword that works for the sword master. See it now?
"The Sword is Mightier then the Pen!"
p.s. Don't give up you still have some ways to go but you will get there if you hang onto your dreams. Be the controller of your dreams don't let the dreams control you.
ReplyDeleteThe greatest act a warrior can do is put his sword down.
ReplyDeleteThe pen (or rather the written word...) is a concept
ReplyDeleteThe sword (or rather the soldier...) is a weapon
You can kill any man but concepts are much harder to kill.
If you don't believe me then look at all of the poeple that will die to protect the constitution...
The sword is the sheeps tool, the pen is the staff of the shephard...
Love And Peace Dekn
Watcher Zero
DeKn, Zero up there^ has a great post regarding the pen and the sword concept. You should check it out if you have not read it already.
ReplyDeleteIt takes just one moment of decreased awareness and the sword quickly becomes a danger to He who wields it.
ReplyDeleteCopy and pase this into your browser window...
Very interesting. It depends on your point of view, a Sword can be considered as a noble weapon of the Elite warriors compared to a modern day machine-gun... That's why in the middle-ages you had "Masters of arms" or martial arts. The use of a Sword recquired technical skills only achieved by a specific training and intiation, Kings and their offspring as well as their closest officers were initiated into it so maybe the pen is the modern version of the King's Sword, who knows?!
ReplyDeleteThere must be also a more philosophical meaning to the symbol of the sword (remember King Arthur's Excalibur?).
In France in the 50's, gangsters used to call "Sword" a very respected and high-ranking gangster like a Mafia God-father for instance.
So maybe the intellect or the pen is the new Sword. Open to interpretation but yours is pretty interesting.
Ah yes Zero I've read your post I love what you wrote about it, and yes the concept is much stronger then the sword because people will fight and even die for it. Look at those suicide bombers, they will die for what they belive will come true as in the concept will be true if they die for it.
ReplyDeleteKomar you have a very good point maybe the sword is a symbol and now the pen is the symbol of things. What I was thinking about is the sword has evolve and is now the "Pen" (or New Sword) but the elite just isn't telling people that it as went pass the sword into the realms of the "Pen" they have been fool to think that brute strength is all they need but it isn't to win at the end. So instead of knowing the right path to take they take the wrong one and just become the new sword for the elite to control. But like you said a sword master also have to respect his/her sword. If not it might trun on them without a warning.
A person is not defined by their beliefs but by their spirit.One is not a Democrat,Christian,American,employee,warrior.These are just labels or beliefs ,they are not real.Spirit is one's true identity.
ReplyDelete^^ Leon Unitas: Yes Spirit is belief to be the real source of energy everything else I also agree that is just a name for something that is not real. But with well place objects and news we are taught to believe those lable has meaning and also has laws we have to follow.