** I speak in fiction **
If we can only answer this simple question we would've solved everything by now. Maybe that's why we're not aloud to solve the puzzle. Solving the age old question might awaken us to a new critical thinking. How did they control us, to do there bidding for them. Simplely speaking using what we already have build into our DNA.
Greed: We were always greedy animals from the start. if we didn't then we would of been extinct by now.
We needed greed! It helped us surpass a lot of different other animals. It let us think critically by figuring out ways to get ahead of the next guy or want to be one step ahead of them because we just wanted more things than the next person. Helped us invent things that will help us get more things easier in return. Your master knew about "the greed" you had in you.
What did they do to us...?
Instead of trying to earn what things you have by doing the work for it. But they gave us free lunches all over the places.
- No work no problem, come on in I will give you money till you find another job.
- No food, I guess you are too lazy to hunt for your own food so I will give you some of mine.
- Oh you don't need to work hard for the debt money, why not come on in and I will lend you some debt money?
They did a great job of that I have to give them a 4 out of 5 rating. Lost a rating point due to some peopleare able to figure this shit out and is staying clear of their plans to play on your own greed. Greed is GOOD (if you believe in good and bad then stop reading you're not ready to take this next step to the next level ) without it we will still be caveman.
Sex: An animal instinct to hump the opposite sex is all in us as humans born of this earth. We all(99.5%) want to hump as many different sex partner as much as we can. That also apply to the women side of things they also want many different partner as possible just like us. You don't need to think too hard about this problem. The reason for this is we want to spread our DNA around. Doing this they we will get a better mix of good and bad DNA but in the long run by doing this we will get more good than bad DNA (if you are still stuck on the good and bad morals then you shouldn't contiue reading this because you will not understand what I am trying to say)
How do you use Sex to play on their weakness?
Make them feel like they're not manly enough or womanly enough.
No one wants or love you.
You're all alone
Anyone wants some plastic inserted in them to make them look beautiful? They know about our weakness and will use it to get you to move in a way they want you to move.
Social Being: We have always been social beings. We love to be together if not why would we all hang around mass amount of other people, like cities. Now that we got a mega city, what will be next a global city? ...., or solar system city?How do they able to use our social being to control us you say....?,
That is very easily explained. They used the divide and conquer methods, you see. But I'm also guessing that some of you might ask about
How are they dividing us up and then conquer us at the end.
This is also very easily explained again..., They instill into your thoughts that you should think only about Me, My, and I instead of thinking of the greater good of the bigger picture. They made us think of ourselves instead of the greater good of the planet. The planet dies and we also die, do you get that?
Let me repeat again... If the planet dies we also die.
With that type of thinking of Me,My, and I they were able to tell you who you should become. But of course you would think you thought about this yourself.
Keep dreaming buddy... Yes, and they love you.
Their plan is well thought up. How to see the greater picture of things around yourselves. Behold the coming plan a greatness. (I cannot tell you there plan because you have to figure that one out yourselves)
So life is only this simple really why does everyone always have to take the long way to do things. Maybe they're just distracted by everything else around them. Just watch and see what they are doing to you and be able to move accordingly to there music they're playing. Once you find your beat, take control of it and make it yours.
Your thoughts are stronger then what you think it really is. In your own head you might imagine the word strong. Now this new word strong is even better. That is how good is this new "strong" is. The new thoughts will move you into the future.
Be ready for a ride of a life time....
Nice post. I like your musical analogy at the end. The ME,MY and I conspiracy work so well cuz people love being narcissic and having their ego flattered. Their lives are so intellectually miserable that they prefer relying on their own fake image rather than starting to really think for themselves. It's like some kind of wishful thinking or autosuggestion, they look in the mirror or at fucking Facebook saying to themselves: "I am somebody, my life matters, i have plenty of 'friends', i'm not a failure, ect."
ReplyDeleteI'm so sick of them my friend, they're detrimental to both Nature and other more intelligent Humans, let them be totally controlled.
Yes it seems like at the end everything comes back to the ego. We need to be able to learn to control that ego or it will get the better of us. This ego is a big problem if you cannot get a hold of it. Yeah for sure I agree with you 100% how they kill nature and not even knowing. My post is never to awaken them I bet you that if one of them ever read my post they would not know what to make of it. I do not waste time and energy on waking the sleeping dead.
The ego is simply the transistor for induction. If properly handled they will poison themselves. Let them die, the strong will survive.