Addiction is your choice. You were never forced into doing something you didn't want to. You're the only person that control your very own energy no one has that power over your very own energy. So you can say that is the only real ownership you have in this Universe . But they can influence you into choosing something you don't really need but you want it anyways. By using something very basic about yourself, that if you know about it..., you would kick yourself in the ass because it was so easy but you made it out to be so hard.
That is it, it was always that, a well placements of fear programs in your system.... or better yet; put it, in your mind. They have the command word setup, so that when you encounter those speical events that is in reality the fear program kicks in and execute itself... to cause you to change course or else you will feel big time fear
....Insert your very own fear here ....
"Mommy..., mommy, I am scare of this man he scares me mommy can you make him go away"
the program will never harm you. What is the number one rule of this world; the LAW of this Universe is I will not cuase harm to myself. So the program can never harm you. You just think that it can so you stay away from it. You are addicted I am sorry to tell you.
You my dear enlightened ones, you're addicted, to simply put it THE FEAR PROGRAamming has you. Have you ever wonder in the real world (I am talking about the place you and I are in NOW!) - RealitY -
Is there a reason for all those horror films that comes out each year? And if you look back more and more of the film are geting more and more..., graphic; the newer the film is the more the graphic imgery there is?

So why is it so that those newer type of horror movies are so graphic? Because just like any drug addiction the more you use it the more you need to stay in the same level of high you were before when you first started.... and you know what the out come of this is?
At the end we will all O.D.
Then mother earth will get to feast, she is getting hungry she've been only able to sample a bit at a time. Now she wants the main course those
serving up .... 6.9 Billion humons
[This is a ture story, it happen to me today more like this morning. So I was hungry after eating breakfast in the morning this is while I was driving to work. I drove into a Mc Donald's Yes I know please don't say it I know... ok go ahead say it. hehe.
I bought a combo from there, it consisted of 1 egg mcmuffin and 1 hash brown and also 1 orange juice. But that isn't the point here. I hope I haven't lost anyone yet? Ok after eating all those shit I started to drink the juice and you know what?
What scared the shit out of me..?
The picture printed on the outside of the cup, and this cup was made for the KIDS it was a happy meal cup. on the cup was printed two pictures of kids showing fear (a picture of this girl opening her mouth like she is screaming at something she just saw scare the shit out of her. And another picture showed a kid looking up at something but had a terrified look in him like he just saw a ghost. Eyes wide open. So now they have cups scaring the shit out of your kids (if you had any)]
"Mommy, Mommy I want that happy meal toy NOW! or I am going to hold my breath until you give me that happy meal toy NOW!"
So they are already programming your humons at a very young age to accept THE FEAR PROGRAamming. Be aware please you have a choice to be Addicted to something or not... it is your choice.
Look at the picture below does that look like someone YOU know?
"NO! Mommy I want my internet I need my fix Mommy"
[Yes I have to admit it myself also, that I'm also addicted to some things and I love it. I will never give it up for anything.]
So we all have our very own weaknesses, I know what it's about but I hide it very well from myself. And make all the excuses in the world about the addiction isn't there it's just me.
one final word .... to remember by:

To Be, or Not to Be Addicted? That is the Question?
That photo of the dragged addict is FUCKING great. The whole post could be only that {don't you dare, love the words too}. Djhives farewell could have been only that. Real sweet, DeKn. My teeth are hurting.
ReplyDeleteThank you Stevie, I am here to give back what was given to me by someone great, that came and shown me what I was able to do by openning up my limited world. I guess it was the right thing to do for DJHives to let the babies learn that they could fly on their own. They were too comfortable where they were at. What happens to someone that gets too comfortable at something they are doing?
ReplyDeleteI would rather see the enlighten people leave here my blog and start up something they have to do to further their own lives rather then hanging here and feeding off my post. But it is always nice to have friends drop by to say hi now and then. I am here to bring light to someone that is in the proccess of being enlighten I will never hold them back.