How did the New World Order became a concept? That is some facts I would even want to know myself truning something real to something sub-real. Existing in both reality the matter filled world. Our world, and the anti-matter world. Our O.W.N world is what we are being attack by..., a concept that cannot hurt you, but for some odd reason you think it can. Isn't that the greatest illusion they have done so far on us. The next coming one will be something you thought it could never happen, happened. Now I know why you cannot stop those concept but you can make new concepts to follow that will get you out of there bidding and into your own bidding.
The controller of your own world is yourself. Trust in yourselves, because when you are in the real world trust yourselves most of the time and you'll be right most of the time. Take that step when you feel the fear. Fear is just a sign to yourself saying "This feel funny because I haven't done this before"
If you ever encounter that feeling it's a signal for you to take that leap of faith and do that something that you are in fear of. Just try it what is the worst it is going happen? Trust me it can't be that bad I once was in your shoes right now where you have this fear in you. I had the same one also a fear I was fearful about. So you just have to take that step and head out into open water. It is fun trust me if anyone you ever trusted,
trust in me take that leap
INteresting comments, Like djhives discussed about Alex Jones always talking about wiretapping, martial law, secret arrests. Gets lots of sheep scared and thats the goal, wether your a sheep scared of al qeada or infowarrior scared of the NWO, its the same because your still scared.
ReplyDeleteLike it in Nazi germany everyone thought they had a Gestapo file, when in reality only 10% of the population had a file.
You ask how did it become a concept? through books and movies, and conspiracy theorist.
Through the illuminati, and other secret societies.
Fear comes from a lack of understanding, if one were to figure out HOW to circumvent the technology the eilte used against us, the WHY would be irrelevant.
ReplyDeleteJohngalt I like your way of thinking about this N.W.O it is one good idea.
ReplyDeleteZero.M You have another interesting fact on that matter. I like your short approach on this N.W.O matter. That is so true if you can find out how they are doing this. You for sure do not need to know the "WHY" because you already know it by knowing the "HOW"
The state has an elite cadre of propogandists to hide the fact that their power comes from the barrel of a gun.Most people think the fear is natural,they don't even know they are afraid.A person has til their early 30s to figure it out or they are lost for good,lost to a world of superstition,drugs,alcohol,violence etc.Even if one figures it out life is not easy,but insanity is worse.
ReplyDelete^^ Leon Unitas: Yes so true they have done a very good job at hiding the power where it is. I mean even when I person have found out what this world is about. For sure this world doesn't make it any easier for them. But what fun will we have if it was easy won't we just get bored fast? haha I mean they have to make it hard or if any joe or dick finds out they don't want them to be able to control the mass that quickly and mess up the greater plans of there. I bet you they also have counter plan just incase some peopole do find out. The are like master players of chess they already have 20+ moves figured out ahead of time.