it has a sign of man made only strikes and kill human the animals are left alone.
"N. meningitidis only infects humans; there is no animal reservoir"
First recorded 1805 when an outbreak swept through Geneva, Switzerland. But most of the outbreak happens mainly in:
"West Africa every year, affecting 25 000 to 200 000 people, particularly children"
"The highest burden of meningococcal disease occurs in sub-Saharan Africa, which is known as the “Meningitis Belt”, an area that stretches from Senegal in the west to Ethiopia in the east, with an estimated total population of 300 million people."
But don't worry if you feel lefted out, if you're not living in Africa, we do have strain for you at in local area:
"Serogroups B and C together account for a large majority of cases in Europe and the Americas. Several local outbreaks due to N. meningitidis serogroup C have been reported in Canada and USA (1992-93) and in Spain (1995-97). For 10 years, the meningococcal meningitis activity has particularly increased in New Zealand where an average of 500 cases occurs every year"
"There is increasing evidence of serogroup W135 being associated with outbreaks of considerable size. In 2000 and 2001 several hundred pilgrims attending the Hajj in Saudia Arabia were infected with N. meningitidis W135. Then in 2002, W135 emerged in Burkina Faso, striking 13,000 people and killing 1,500"
But don't worry we do have several vaccines to combat those different strain of bacteria. One thing will not kill you but another will...
" All these vaccines have been proven to be safe and effective with infrequent and mild side effects. The vaccines may not provide adequate protection for 10 to 14 days following injection."
"cannot be used in children under 2 years of age because they lack the ability to develop antibodies" [lifekill will work here kill off the young and there won't be any new growth, how sweet]
"Furthermore, even large scale coverage with current vaccines does not provide sufficient 'herd immunity'. " [Nice, W.H.O. even call people herds haha]
Now in recent news just 2 days ago they have reported that "the first time there have been so many cases in northern Nigeria, an area she describes as being outside the usual African 'meningitis belt.' " So it is spreading to parts that was never touch before now they are getting the epidemics. Read all about it on the bottom:
Meningitis death toll reaches 960 in Nigeria; 17,000 people infected
2 days ago
GENEVA — The death toll from a severe outbreak of meningitis in Nigeria has risen to 960.
The World Health Organization says some 17,000 people have been infected with the disease since Jan. 1.
WHO spokeswoman Fadela Chaib says it is the first time there have been so many cases in northern Nigeria, an area she describes as being outside the usual African "meningitis belt."
Chaib says a total of 17,462 cases of meningitis have been reported in the three-month outbreak in Africa's most populous country and that the WHO and other agencies are helping to vaccinate people against the disease.
She says there has also been a smaller outbreak to the north in Niger, which lies within the area more commonly affected by the disease, stretching from Senegal in the west to Ethiopia in the east.
Chaib said Niger has reported 4,513 people infected since the beginning of the year, with 169 deaths.
Nigeria has had meningitis epidemics during each of the last three years, but they were smaller than this year.
In the last week alone, Niger has registered 1,071 cases, including 30 deaths.
Meningitis is an inflammation of protective brain and spinal cord membranes and is caused by viral or bacterial infection.
"A meningitis epidemic is always serious," said Chaib. "It overwhelms the health facilities, disrupts routine activities, kills between five and 10 per cent of the patients and can cause brain damage in 10 to 20 per cent of those who survive."
The World Health Organization says some 17,000 people have been infected with the disease since Jan. 1.
WHO spokeswoman Fadela Chaib says it is the first time there have been so many cases in northern Nigeria, an area she describes as being outside the usual African "meningitis belt."
Chaib says a total of 17,462 cases of meningitis have been reported in the three-month outbreak in Africa's most populous country and that the WHO and other agencies are helping to vaccinate people against the disease.
She says there has also been a smaller outbreak to the north in Niger, which lies within the area more commonly affected by the disease, stretching from Senegal in the west to Ethiopia in the east.
Chaib said Niger has reported 4,513 people infected since the beginning of the year, with 169 deaths.
Nigeria has had meningitis epidemics during each of the last three years, but they were smaller than this year.
In the last week alone, Niger has registered 1,071 cases, including 30 deaths.
Meningitis is an inflammation of protective brain and spinal cord membranes and is caused by viral or bacterial infection.
"A meningitis epidemic is always serious," said Chaib. "It overwhelms the health facilities, disrupts routine activities, kills between five and 10 per cent of the patients and can cause brain damage in 10 to 20 per cent of those who survive."
I wouldn't be surprized if it's man-made like AIDS. Reminds me of the 'Ebola virus' also appeared in Africa, a virus so lethal and so infectious that you are likeky to be contaminated by the simple fact of breathing the air surrounding a diseased person. It is simply awful, the diseased literally turns into one big open bleeding wound and in many cases there is no other solution than burning the entire house to avoid the virus to spread... The documentaries i've seen about it just shocked me. Anyway Africa seem to be the chosen land for disease testing.
ReplyDeleteYes Komar I agree with you 100% it does look like Africa was dealt a bad card and now it is the land of testing anything you want on human. It is funny and sad at the same time... hehe :(
ReplyDeleteAt least you see in the plain sight and not some fantasy candy land world like everyone else.
Using epidemics to kill are like pushing people off of buildings in their sleep. Gravity occurs naturally and they don't see it coming until just before they die. Same for the epidemics, if conditions are by nature in-hospitable and stressful the immune system will become compromised by predatory pathogens.
ReplyDeleteNow that there is bio-engineering we can be like the Umbrella Corporation of recent myth and spread our own deadly viruses. Africa has always been a testing ground for bio weapons. If the U.N wants a population reduction as a part of their plan for Agenda 21 do you really think that their Geneva convention really matters to them? It dosen't. Same for the W.H.O. which is really the HOW!
So we plant vaccines and chem-trails so that we increase the ammount of the population who gets the disease. Lifekill or not, the darwinian intentions are clear, only the strong survive.
-Zero T-Cell Count-
Yes for sure, Zero... The force evolution of man kind will just make us into the Neo-Human. The one takes the action into becoming something new will move on. The rest will just die out. And everything is blame on nature. The greatest escape goat, the earth don't talk back. haha. So she cannot deffent herself when we blame her for causing this.