** I speak in fiction **
So..., it was one interesting and very meaningful weekend for myself. I was sitting around and suddenly I was hit with the question "Were is our own 'Year of the Light' "? a question pop up in my head.
Did I missed it, or something?
4000 B.C. ago early man saw a new light in the skies... That wasn't there the night before. That was when they called it, the "Year of the Light" So can you imagine being at that time;
6009 years ago,
it was a calm cool night. The wind lightly blew over your exposed skin.
It was a great feeling of soothing cool wind blowing over your skin. Lying on the grassy hill top, taking in deep breath of air, slowly exhaling. Sometime you think you can pick up at least ten different kinds of flower scents mixed into the air you were breathing.
It was very relaxing night lying under a palm tree over looking the valley floor were your home is. Staring at the night skies like you aways did each and every night. For as long as you can remember, taking your first step out your family's house seeing the star for your very frist time. From that day onward you knew something was right. You felt, and knew it. In your heart you were always destine for greatness and you knew it will come soon. You've learn a lot already studying the light from heaven for many years now. Tonight was going to be different tonight was the night that changed everything for yourself.
Your favorite heavenly light would had to been the 'tri-star formation' of light in the heaven. Like aways you spent most of the time studying that particular 'tri-star' formation, tonight was a speical night. Suddenly a bright light flashed from the center of the 'tri-star' that was never there before until tonight. It was that moment everything changed in my life.
2009 A.D. Can we not all feel something, something that no words can describe; it's coming...., the calm before the storm? we are all waiting for our "Year of the Light" I am so excited for what is to come. They did say something about the year 6000 A.L. awhile ago how it was the end of the world coming at 5999 A.L. that midnight rolling over to 6000 A.L. but nothing came no "Year of the light" that year everyone was confused.
So, I've heard or even read about something..., about some light from the centre of the galaxy will be hitting us very soon. Might that be ... our "Year of the Light"? But a lot of signs point YES. So it's now time for us all or...., correction at least the one awake and willing to do it can do so. It was just like then but this time it is now. Now is the time to act. Feel and think 'LIGHT' and the awakening will begin. Be ready or be left behind like the rest...
I've been wondering have any one felt anything?
feeling something calling out there, .... something big .... something you have been waiting for. You've been trainning for this many life times ago and now is the time.
Soon the time will come...
The world of the matrix is funny I've seen it for what it really is. I saw the code, briefly though; but enough to shock me. Maybe what I've learn is all a lie, my life was just a lie from the day I was born into this matrix. My journey taking the first step has started. I feel like I am reborn again.
My second life.... will be told to me very soon. Slowly unfolding showing me more and more of myself I've never seen before. I never knew I held myself back that much... It was a surprise to myself what I've learn about myself.
The awakening has started, now is the time to ready yourselves for the "Year of the Light" the next step on your very own journey. Time/Space is not the factor anymore. You've move way pass the time/space barrier you're now into something else something greater. Something that you've never thought you would have done a long time ago.
Year of the Light 6012 A.L.
FUCK YOU DeKn! FUCK YOU for withholding information from us.
^^ LadyAnon: with holding info from you? I didn't even know DJHives was back. I moved on and I am too busy reading new stuff and learning new things and keeping my blog up and running to even visit anywhere else maybe I few bloger's site ... if you thought that post I did was about with holding info you are way wrong. This is the first I even know about DJHives blog is back its from you writing on my blog and also Zero's blog.
ReplyDeleteWait ..
Maybe I should admit that I was holding out info on you and everyone else in the lala land of the internet. Yes that was my Evil plan after all... HAHA (evil laugher) Yes that was my plan after all and you felt for it like the rest of everyone haha.
ReplyDeleteYES! BLAME DeKn for you not having the ability to track down DJHIVES yourself!
DeKn, YOu so EVIL You!
Lady Anon, why blame others for your shortcomings?
ReplyDeleteSo dependent...
You should really have said
Thats not very ladylike now is it?
Maybe you should just be called Anon...
I know I am evil.
ReplyDelete...... let me tell you a little secret "She loves my thoughts, it flows sweetly out of my mouth and into her ears.
ReplyDeleteThats why..!, she keeps coming back for more."
I love you too Lady Anon :)